You're Finally Awake

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You woke up with your head pounding. You held your head as you looked around the room. Everything was normal except for someone who was sitting beside your bed snoring. You looked over and saw Zoro. You had a look of confusion on your face. What happened? Was the only question you had until you looked on the nightstand. You saw the blue ern sitting there. You carefully picked it up and examined it. Yup, this is it. Your ears twitched as they picked up the sound of someone moving around, then a thud.

You looked over and saw Zoro on the ground groaning. He looked up at you and his eyes went wide. "What?" You asked. "Y-You're up." His eyes were still wide as he got off the floor. "Uh...obviously. What happened? Why am I in the infirmary?" You looked at Zoro and he came closer. "I'm sorry (y/n)." He said as he hugged you. You didn't know what to do so you just hugged back with one arm sense the other hand was still holding the ern. You sunk into the warmth but of Zoro, but he soon backed away. You looked up and smiled. "For what?"

"The Black Cats came for you again. I didn't beat them to you. But we all fought them off and I-we got you back." He said. You frowned at the mention of the Black Cats but it quickly returned to a smile. "So. Who got this?" You looked at Zoro then back to the ern. Zoro's face dusted a light pink and he scratched the back of his neck as he looked away from you. "W-well..uh...I got it. For you. I saw you looking at it in the antique shop." He looked back at you and his face still had the light pink dust.

You smiled and laughed as you hugged him. He was taken aback with the sudden action but soon returned it. "Thank you." You said. You soon parted and tried to get up. But your legs were weak so you fell back in the bed on your butt. "I'll go tell everyone you're up. You should wait for Chopper's instructions." Zoro said as he left to tell everyone.

Soon everyone was crowded in the infirmary and happy that you were up.

Sanji said he would make his specials but they were going to be a suprise.

"You have to take these and your head will feel better. But you should stay in bed for at least a couple more hours until you get up." Chopper said as he handed you two pills and a glass of water. You took them and handed the glass back to chopper as you lied back down.

Everyone left so you could rest and you were alone. You couldn't really fall asleep because you just slept for what? 48 hours? Probably. But you eventually slowly drifted off to sleep.

When you woke up this time you could actually feel your legs. So you decided to test them out. You threw the covers off of you and swung your legs over the side of the infirmary's bed. You could stand but, can you walk? You careful took a step, then another, then another. Yes you can walk.

You went onto the deck and looked for anyone. Nope. No one is there. The ship is at a dock so they had to at least leave someone here to watch the ship. You thought as you decided to check the rest of the ship. You looked in the kitchen, the crows nest, the girls quarters, even the infirmary to see if you missed anything. Nope. But you finally went to check in the boys quarters and there was Zoro. Wow. He's doing such a great job watching the ship. You though as you walked over.

You took a hold on the hammock and flipped it making Zoro fall out. He groaned and rolled over on his back. "What the hell was that for?" He asked getting up. "Is this what you call watching the ship?" You asked with seriousness in your tone. "Well I do it all the time, and nothing seems to happen." You mentally face-palmed. "So what? Just because it doesn't happens one time doesn't mean it can't happen." You said matter of factly. "Now come on. We're going to find the rest of the crew." You turned on your heels and walked out with Zoro following.

You searched for the crew and the first person you saw was Robin. "Hey Robin." You said walking up. She was looking at a bathing suit through a glass window at a clothing store. She turned and looked at you. "You're finally up I see." She smiled and you smiled back. "Yeah I guess I am. And I can walk." You mentioned. You all decided to look for the rest of the crew and eventually everyone returned to the ship.

Once everyone was on the ship Sanji started making food for the celebration of you waking up. You didn't really see the point in it sense someone told you that you've only been out for two days.

But you all had the celebration and after it, everyone was at least tipsy or sober. Zoro was a little over tipsy.

"H-hey (y/n)." Zoro said. You laughed and he laughed to. "Yeah Zoro?" You said laughing under your breath. "I-I love you." He fell over laughing. You laughed to but you felt somewhere that what he said was true. But you would never know. Because you're both drunk.

All the sober people. Nami, Robin, and Luffy. Put everyone to bed.

The next morning you woke up with a splitting head ache. But you needed what you got yesterday. Drunk.
(A:N): Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Or the other day. I just didn't have any ideas. Hope you guys enjoyed.

'Peace Out Girl Scouts'

Zoro X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora