Chapter 12

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Emma’s POV:

When we got to California Niall woke me. But we weren’t at a hotel. There was a house that looked almost just like the one we live in back in London. Apparently they have a house in Cali to. I didn’t mind it though; it would be somewhat of a break from all their screaming fans at the hotels.

We went in and Niall put our stuff in the bedroom that was off the living room and the others went upstairs. We got all our stuff put up and I decided I would text my friend that lives in LA. She use to live in Alabama but moved here like 3 years ago.

To Sara: hey girl! Just wanted to see if we could met up sometime in the next few days :) the boys are here for their concert and I thought while they were doing a sound check we could met up! Just let me know! I love ya girl!

In just a few minutes I got a text back.

From Sara: OMG!! Hey girl! I have missed you SO much! I would love to meet up! How about McDonalds close to the arena about 5?!

To Sara: Sounds like a plan to me! See you then.

The boys where all watching TV so I joined them. It was about 4 when they all got ready for sound check. We got to the arena around 4:45 and I told them I was meeting up with a friend at 5 and I would be back for the concert at 6. Niall gave me a kiss goodbye and Liam told me to be careful.

McDonalds wasn’t very far from the arena, it was like a block away. I got there and Sara was standing outside waiting on me when we saw each other we ran into a hug. We went in and I got a large fry and a Chocolate Chip Frappe. My two favorite things from here. We talked for a little while and got caught up on things we missed out on. I looked down at my phone and it was 6:20, the boy’s concert would be starting in 10 minutes! “OHH MY GOSH! I have got to go Sara! The boys concert starts in 10 minutes!” I said getting up. “How about I drive you? You will get there a lot faster if I do.” We went out and got in Sara’s car. I texted Niall to let him know I was on my way and when we got there he was waiting on me at the back door. Awe how sweet is my boyfriend? I thought. “Hey, would you want to come met Niall before you go?” I asked Sara. “Yeah!” she said, “I want to meet the guy that makes my best friend happy!” we got out of the car and I ran over to Niall and he gave me a big huge. “I missed you!” he said when he put me down. “I missed you to! Baby!” I said then I turned to Sara. “Sara, this is my boyfriend, Niall Horan; Niall this is my best friend, Sara.” They shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Sara.” Niall said to her. “And it’s nice to meet the guy that makes Em so happy!” “Well, I love her very much!” Niall assured her. “Good! But if you break her heart, I’ll break your face.” She said back. Niall laughed. “I’m not kidding.” She said back. “Niall, we’re on in 3 minutes!” Harry said coming outside. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Sara. “Ohh, hi there!” he said. “I’m Harry!” “And I’m Sara, Emma’s BFF!” me and Niall exchanged glances. Uhh oh. I knew right away that Harry liked her and I could tell she thought he was cute.

They invited her to come back stage and watch the concert with me. We sang along to all the songs. After it was over we said good bye to Sara and went back to the Cali house, as I call it. I was really tired from a long trip and from staying up late for the concert, so I went straight to bed.

The next day I woke up to a text from my friend Hannah back in Alabama.

From Hannah: OMG! Girl! Sara texted me and told me you were in Cali! PLEASE be careful! Your step-dad is there on business!

I jumped out of the bed and ran in the kitchen crying. Niall and Harry where there making breakfast. I ran right into Niall and he caught me. “My step-dads in Cali somewhere on business!” I almost screamed. The facial expression on Niall’s face went from caring to pissed off. “I won’t let him get to you baby! I swear!”

That day went by slowly. It was around 5 o’clock when the guys went out in the front yard to play soccer (football to them) I didn’t want to go out there, I was too scared, so Harry stayed inside with me. We were sitting there talking and then we heard fighting and then a loud pop. I jumped off the couch and swung the door open. Niall was laying on the ground with blood running out from his shoulder and standing above him was Blain, my step-dad. “NOOOO! NIALLLLLL!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. My step-dad took his eyes off of Niall and looked at me. He then pointed the gun at me and slowly started toward me. I felt and arm warp around my waist and pull me out of the way. I was now on the floor and Harry was standing in the door way. I then heard a gunshot. Did Harry just take a bullet for me?! I got up and Harry was holding a gun. They must have kept it here for protection. I grabbed a towel and ran to Niall’s side. I pressed the towel down on Niall’s shoulder where he had been shot. I was crying my eyes out; Louis, Zayn and Liam were just standing there looking down at Niall. “Call 911!!” I said. “CALL 911!!!!! NOW!!!” Liam got out his phone and called 911. In just a few minutes the ambulance finally got there and they loaded Niall in and I got in to. “Harry! Can you come to? PLEASE!” I asked my voice very shaky. He got it and sat down beside me.

We got to the hospital and they were taking Niall to the OR and I was walking alongside the gurney and when we got to the OR door a nurse stopped me. “You can’t go in there.” She said holding me back, “I HAVE TO! THAT’S MY BOYFRIEDN!” I yelled crying. “I’m sorry, Hun. But you can’t go back there.” I turned toward Harry and started to fall to my knees and he caught me and gently put me down on my knees. He was holding me close and my head was in his chest and he had his arms around me and was rubbing my back with one hand, saying, “He’s going to be okay. Everything is going to be alright.” “NO IT’S NOT HARRY! IT’S MY ENTIRE FAULT THAT MY BOYFRIEDN IS IN THE OR!” I just about screamed at him. His voice turned stern now. “It is NOT your fault Emma! Your step-dad is a complete psychopath!” he said to me. We got up and sat in a two person chair in the waiting room. I put my feet up in the seat, my knees to my chest, I wrapped my arms around my legs and put my head down on my knees.  

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