Chapter 11

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Emma’s POV:

The concert that night was good. I sat back stage singing and dancing along to them.

After the concert Niall told me to change into something dressy but not too fancy. I looked in my suitcase and I got out my purple sundress that had yellow flowers in it and I put my yellow wedges on; my straight as a bored shoulder length red hair was now in little waves from the Wand that I use to curl it. When I came out of the bathroom I saw him. Niall was wearing dress paints and a Polo shirt (of course) high tops (like always) “Where are we going?” I asked for the 100th time since we had been in the car, I was in the back seat, Niall was in the shotgun seat and Paul was driving us because apparently he didn’t trust me driving. We finally got to where we were going; Niall got out of the car and opened my door. I looked at the huge building with a bunch of people waiting in line outside it. It looked like a club from the outside. Niall just skipped the line and went up to the women with the clip bored, “Reservation for Horan, please.” He said. She looked at her list and said, “Right this way please.” She then handed us off to an older guy who took us to our table. The inside of the place was beautiful. Vaulted ceilings, beautiful wall paper, nice hardwood floors, and big chandeliers above about every 4 tables. We got to our table and the guy told us the waiter would be around in a few minutes. Niall pulled my seat out for me and I sat down. I looked around then I quickly looked at the menu. “Niall! This is all too expensive! I don’t want you to spend all this money on me!” I said. “It’s not too expensive, and if no one else is going to spoil you then I will” he said and then winked at me.

The waiter took our orders and then in just a little bit brought our food around. By the time we got done eating Paul called Niall and told him that he was waiting outside for us. Niall paid and we went outside but the paparazzi was there waiting for us. As soon as we stepped out the door the cameras began flashing. “Hold on to me tight” Niall whispered to me. I was holding onto his arm as tight as I could and was as close to his side as I could get.

Being in front of the camera was not my forte, I was always the one taking the pictures back home, I didn’t mind it too much though, it was something I liked doing. Though I haven’t took any pictures since I went to London.

When we got to the car Niall and I both got in the back this time. Paul drove off. When we got back to the hotel me and Niall went straight to our room. When Niall closed the door I crashed my lips into his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved toward the bed until my back was on it. We were still kissed and I started to pull his shirt off. Our lips broke apart for the split second when I pulled his shirt over his head. He stood up pulling me with him and started unzipping my dress; I let it fall to the floor. I started to unbutton his pants, they hit the floor and I was once again laying on the bed.

I woke up the next morning to Louis banging on the door yelling “GET UP! WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN AN HOUR!!” I sat up, and yelled back at him, “Leave us alone! I was sleeping, Louis!” but we both got up, got dressed and got our suitcases ready and walked out of the room. I had on a pair of jean shorts, a plain t-shirt and one of Niall’s hoodies and my green high tops since the hoodie I was wearing was green. When we got out the door Liam, Louis, and Harry where waiting on us. “Happy now?” I asked Louis. “Very!” he said smiling at me and then bounced over to give me a hug. Zayn was finally ready and we went down stairs and to the tour bus that was a waiting us. I have to say the tour bus was pretty cool. There was a big screen TV and a few couches, the bungs where over next to the bathroom and there was a pretty big kitchen for a bus.

We all put our suitcases up and went to the living area. We had a long drive ahead of us. We were headed to California. I love it there. I went one time with my school for the Rose Parade. I was laying on the couch with my head in Niall’s lap and my feet on Harry and Liam and Louis where wrestling around on the floor. “Liiiiiam! I’m boredddd!” I said. “Well play a game on the Xbox” he said. “OOO! DO y’all have any shooting games?!” I asked as I sat up. “We have a lot” Niall said laughing. We played for a little while and then I was starting to get sleepy so I went and got in Niall’s bunk, see as there were only 5. One for each of the boys, but it was big enough for me and Niall both.

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