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Today, I've been busy non-stop.

The day started off with June showing me around the farm, it is quite a small farm I'm told, for it only has four cows and a dozen chicken. It used to be bigger but when June's husband George went off to war, she couldn't keep all of the animals, it was far too much work. So she sold most of them and now just sells butter, eggs and some vegetables at the three nearest villages to them once a week and also has the money from selling the other animals.

I also enjoyed playing with Will around their house and have discovered that he is a little spoilt because his mother treasures him so much. It was quite exhausting playing with him as I'm not used to having any siblings, but it was great fun; pretending to be younger again and we got lots of freedom to explore the fields and surrounding area.

I'm looking forward to going to school tomorrow and being able to talk to my friends again and see if they've settled in as well as I have.


Got up very early and had to sort the animals sorted, I could have done without this early work but did it without a fuss because I want to make a good impression on June and make sure she doesn't think I'm ungrateful for her hospitality.

Today I started school, the main difference between our old and new schools is the size. This new one has over two hundred less! It is a secondary school with just under one hundred pupils in it and people from all around go to it. Most people seem to leave when they are about 14-16 because their families need them to work, but this is similar at home, We live about three miles away from it and June walked me there because it was my first day. First we dropped will off then travelled for almost about forty five minutes! Though we did walk at a leisurely pace so that I could learn a bit more about the local vicinity.

When I got to school, I learned that my journey was quite reasonable compared to some others who have to walk for over an hour.

Olivia and Florence were already there. Florence lives quite a similar distance away from school to me but ended up living with an old widower called Mr Mc Brien and apparently he is pleasant enough but is quite quiet and private so he keeps to himself. We're both envious of Olivia and her little sister Joan though who are living with the local Vicar and his wife who live next door to the school! They have no children of they're own but have always longed for some, so they jumped at the opportunity to foster an evacuee and they seem to be spoiling them rotten. They've been promised new clothes and toys too.

Some pupils called us townies but the rest of our class were quite. All of our class our new to the school this year and have only known eachother for a few months which made things easier for us but still they seem to hang around with each other and us with ourselves. After a while I'm sure we will blend in better and not be thought of as invaders.

June met me at the gates with Will who gets home earlier than us, and came on his wooden homemade bicycle. June wants me to settle in a bit before I get to walk home by myself. I enjoyed her company though.

Went to bed again, feeling knackered but went to sleep without much hassle.

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