Chapter 1

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School is honestly one of the only things I'm good at. I am what you would call the "school nerd". It obviously sucks to be the nerd though. I don't have any friends, I sit alone, and people bully me.

It's not as horrible as you would think though; the bullies never call me ugly. They call me everything but ugly.

My parents are divorced due to so many fights, my mom cheating, my mom getting drunk daily, and the fact that while she was drunk she would abuse me. I've been living with my dad in his "mini mansion" because my mom and her new boyfriend scare me. I'm also an only child which makes my life very boring when my dad, as usual, isn't home.

The only thing that I am good at besides school, is art. In my spare time all I do is draw and paint. I tutor when teachers ask me to, and I study whenever I can. Art though is the only way that I can express myself.

Waking up in the morning is probably the hardest thing I have to do. It's not because I like sleeping, even though I do, it's really because I have to go to school. I love school, but not the people who go there. I can't stand them! Mostly the jocks though, like Jason (the quarterback), they walk around like they are better than everyone else. Luckily this is my senior year so after this year I won't see them again.

I got up with that thought repeatedly running through my head.

Will this year be any different? Will anyone consider being my friend, or boyfriend? Will I still be called the nerd? I mean it is a new year.

I needed to finish getting dressed and ready because I refuse to be late on the first day. I finished my shower, drying my hair, and brushing my teeth. Then went to my closet and grabbed clothes that seemed appropriate for the first day.

I then noticed the time and sprinted out of my bedroom, and down three flights of stairs, to the kitchen.

I'm rich, but I believe that I like to believe that I'm not the stereotypical rich kid.

"Bye dad!" I yelled before I left.

I knew he wouldn't respond, if he was home. He usually isn't. But when he is, he tries to spend time with me. It never really happens though because he's always working.

Grabbing my school bag and car keys, and hopping into my red 2014 Cadillac, I rushed to school.

Knowing that all my bullies were inside the building was nerve wracking.

I thought that nothing could get worse. That was until I walked into the building. As soon as I stepped into the hallway, I was slammed into a locker. My initial reaction was to fight back, but I knew it would do me no good.

"Ew! It's the nerd!" Maddie said.

Well, I guess old habits die hard. She's been calling me a nerd since I got a higher grade than her in a math test, in first grade. She was always my main bully, and she's always been the reason I hate coming to school.

"Oh my gosh, Maddie! Look at how skinny she is! It's nasty!" One of Maddie's clones said. As soon as she said that, everyone in the hallway began laughing at me.

They continued yelling that kind of stuff at me, and continued laughing.

I never really thought that I was really skinny. Some people are so skinny you can see their ribs. I'm not one of those people, I don't have much fat, but I'm not that skinny.

I never really understood why they would laugh, but they always did. And the laughing always caused Maddie to get more fired up. And me to get hurt worse than the day before.

Although this time before Maddie could slap or kick me, I heard a loud voice bellowing down the hall.

"What are you doing Maddie! You have no right to kick or slap her! She has done nothing to you!" Jason said.

"Jason! Hey!" She said, nervously and stammering. "I was just leaving! Right Liz!" She stammered again, before she sprinted away from me and down the hall.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked, kindly.

Nobody ever helps me, so this was unusual. I only get help from the nurse when the beatings, and bullies draw blood.

"Um... I guess so? Why are you being so nice to me Jason?" I asked, hesitantly. "Nobody is ever nice to me."

"You looked like you needed some help, and even I'm not mean enough to sit and watch you get hurt Elizabeth." He said, scratching the back of his neck before speaking again. "Plus it looked like you needed a hero." He said. He was wearing his oh so famous smirk.

"Well you saw wrong. I didn't get any help before. Why would I need it now?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

Before he could respond, I was already walking to my locker. That didn't seem to stop him though. He followed me to my locker, and continued to talk.

"Sorry, I was just trying to be nice!" He said, exasperated.

"Key term being trying. Listen, what you did was cool. But I don't expect it to happen again." I said, still talking calmly.

"And why not?" He said, smirking again. "You know, most girls would love to be in your shoes right now. I mean your having a conversation with the Jason Taylor."

"Wow! Did you expect me to kiss the ground you walk on? Because that is not happening." I said.

"Whatever. You will be soon. I know that Liz." He said, his voice full of determination.

"Actually I won't. Bye Jason! Have a nice life, and stay out of mine!" I said, as soon as we got to my locker.

I was mostly surprised by the fact he knew my name. If he was in my grade or not. Still surprising.

Walking to homeroom I continued to think about how he knew my name. Was it because I was the nerd? Or because I was used as the example for every teacher? Either way I was still surprised.

I, of course, had homeroom though with the devil himself. Jason. He, of course, sat next to me. Not to mention he also had the same schedule as me, except math class.

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