Freckles, Clam-face, and Crackers. That was us, the Kings

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"Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes but always a beautiful song." Anonymous

"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." Lilo and Stitch.


When the professors ran in, Ernest in the lead, I was gently swaying back on forth on a swing as Crisis and Calamity told me everything they knew about our parent's deaths.

The virus had struck while the scientists had all the 3-12 year old kids in a sealed room for testing. Everyone that wasn't in the sealed room died. All the babies in the nursery, all the teenagers, all the young adults, all the adults, all the old adults, everyone. They all died.

At the time us children were in the room getting tested and prepped for the big move, apparently we were moving bases before the virus anyway, when the alarms went off so the scientists put us all in the growing pods where we would we safe from contamination. It was by pure luck that that very day all the growing pods were ready and on standby for the testing otherwise all of us might have died.

When I asked where the virus came from Crisis had said, "They never told us who exactly the virus came to be there, only that it was man-made and the result of a terrorist group, The Oxygen Thieves, who had somehow managed to infiltrate Firefox 12 to plant it."

"A terrorist group! Why would anybody want to kill us?" Why would anybody ever want to kill anyone? Did we do something wrong? Were we mean? I remember a lot of people didn't like my mama and papa and in turn didn't like me or my siblings but I don't remember any of them wanting to kill us. Ever.

"Apparently they have been trying to bring down Auxilium, the people who created Firefox 12, down for years. They hate Auxilium because they stole something from them." Calamity added, she was being very cautious with her choice of words which was only making me more confused.

"Auxilium? Stole something? What?" I was exasperated. This had been the longest day of my life, fitting how it somehow came directly after the longest sleep of my life.

That's when Ernest walked in followed by more than seven dwarves. All their stomping made my headache worse. I worried about myself and my sanity. Shouldn't I be crying? Shouldn't I be upset more than confused? I'd shed four small tears before my curiosity had taken over, putting a cork in the waterworks.

"Everyone listen up!" Ernest shouted calmly, though from the look of his face he was anything but calm, he looked just like Ferris, angry and betrayed, "I realise that this is a big shock for you, a big shock for everyone actually. Nobody had any idea that you did not know about your parents untimely demise, everyone else remembered as soon as they woke up, because we were sure that we had told everyone before we put you in the growing pods. It came to our attention though that your hoodle was the first one placed in their growing pods and therefore missed out on this piece of information. I know that this is horrible news, and you will be allowed time to grieve but you must understand that everyone on level 3 has lost someone or multiple people. You aren't alone. There are people everywhere that can help you, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your professors, your retrievers, your doctors. Anything you need, just ask and we will do it."

Professor Msaliti came forward, looking just as distraught as Ernest, "I'm sure you all have lots of questions and we will answer them as best we can but before you ask, no there was no way that they could have gone through the ghosting process in time, we got there too late. Nothing more could be done. Now For this night and this night alone we will allow the remaining family members to stay with their respecting Bizarreo, we must stick together in this horrible time and work at moving forward as best we can."

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