Susan! For the love of bacon, shut your barker!

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"death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender." Tupac Shakur


When I pictured dormitories, I pictured the ones back in Firefox 12, everything was made out of concrete with minimalistic furniture and absolutely no decorations. What wasn't concrete was grey and boring and while exceptionally comfortable, the beds were lined up in rows. The rooms back home were often full of beds, so that many families shared a living space. We hadn't though, for some reason my family was in a tiny room at the end of the corridor away from everyone else. We spent almost all of our time there when we weren't obligated to be anywhere else. I hated that room, the only consolation was that I got to spend time with my family.

Now though, well, I don't even know if I would consider the sight before me a dormitory, it is definitely paradise and by far my favourite place I've seen so far.

There was a long hallway with ten cream doors on either side of it, all with big green numbers on the front. The roof was another mosaic of a beautiful summer sky, though I did notice that the tiles where starting to turn over to form a brilliant orange sunset, now that was a cool feature. The floor was again made of grass, not the fake stuff though that was in the Lunch Room, this stuff smelled sweet, like it was freshly cut, and it was soft and think on my feet as I tenderly reached down to touch it. This wasn't all though. The hallway was very wide, about ten feet or so and among the grass I realised ran a little stream that was bubbling away quietly. There was medium sized trees growing at odd intervals down the hallway, providing shade at what appeared to be streaming light coming from the sunset mosaic, now that was cool.

"I hope you liked it! I designed the whole thing myself, it took me years to grow the trees and get it looking so good but I figured after all that time asleep you would want an oasis to come home to every night." Ferris stated half proud half nervous.

"Slithering salamanders Ferris, this is perfect." Matilda replies excitedly as she bundles him up in a hug. Ferris looks so happy.

One by one we all give him a hug and thank him for his wonderful job. I wonder how much effort the other retrievers went for their hoodle, I'd found out that hoodle was the new word for group around here. What a strange word.

"Well come with me I'll show you the common room first but as we go take a look at the doors, the door with the number that matches the order you woke up, for Example, door number one on the right belongs to Thea Thunder, door number two on the left belongs to Slade Struck and so on. As time goes by you can decorate your door to look however you want, I just made it as basic as I could so you guys could run wild." Ferris explains as we troop down the hall hopping over the curving stream and ducking under low hung branches from the beautiful flowering trees.

It seemed my whole life here was going to be defined by the fact that I slept in a couple more hours than everyone else, what's a couple more hours when you have been asleep for fourteen years?

When we passed my door, the one with the big number twenty on it, a shiver ran down my spine. What was hiding behind that door? Would it be another tiny grey room like the one in Firefox 12 or would it be another one of Ferris' master pieces? Anticipation was almost overwhelming as Ferris bought us to the end of the corridor.

"The door on the right is my room, or at least it leads to a room that leads to a room that leads to my room, I live in a separate corridor with my family and the other retrievers but if you want to come and talk to we just walk through that door, press the big green bone button and take a seat on the couch and I'll be out as quick as I can. That isn't to say though that I won't be with you nearly every second of the day because I will, you'll probably be sick of me soon." Ferris added sadly. I don't think that I would ever get sick of him, he was the most adorable dog I had ever seen, not that I had seen a dog before in real life until today but still.

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