Chapter 38 - Not Fooling Anyone

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Alannah had insisted she come with us. She hadn't been around since she was sixteen and a lot had changed in five years. Or so she said. She had twisted her long dark hair into a tight bun on the top of her head, a small section of hair trailing down here cheeks in front of her ears. She wore the same dress she'd worn to see her parents, but rather than the black lipstick that had adorned her lips before she wore a deep purple one. She looked like some sort of Angel of death, it was entrancing.

So stood outside the Golden Arch in the freezing cold we contemplated how to approach this. There was three of as at at least twenty of them. The odds were definitely not in our favour.

The place seemed alive with music and noise. It seemed insane, that when his pack had been threatened, that he should throw such loud and obnoxious parties.

"We need a story guys." I turned and stood in front of them. "Alannah you're going to be my best friend. William, take the contacts out, I've changed my mind, you're going to be you. I'm going to be your girl and this is your child, the rightful heir to the title of alpha." I put a hand on my stomach. "My name isn't Lily. The minute he hears that name he'll have my heart on a silver plate." They both nodded.

"Okay then Jackie." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Jacqueline was the name of my aunt. You look a bit like her dressed like that." I nodded and gestured my head to move inside.

On the other side of the door we were greeted by a petite, stick thin blonde with oversized breasts. Her dirty looks said it all. She didn't think nightly of us. Then again I didn't think too highly of her.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I could barely hear her over the roar of music. William spoke up.

"William. William Doughty. Adam's older brother. Where is Adam?" The girls entire posture changed and the colour drained from her face. She pointed towards the stairs quickly.

"I wouldn't go up there. He has company."

"Then you go get him. Quickly." There was such authority in his voice that even my blood froze and the hairs on my arms stood on end. She scurried up the stairs and the entire building seemed to hum with static energy. The music died and the voices went silent.

I sidled up to his right side. He slipped his arm around my waist and placed his hand on my hip. I snaked my arm round his waist and but my other hand on his stomach, standing almost sideways.

Adam appeared at the top of the stairs, his jeans unzipped and unbuttoned, his his chest bare a slick with sweat. He looked furious for a millisecond and then he saw his brother. You could see I his eyes that his whole world had just shattered. He knew he'd just lost.

"Little brother!" William feigned joy at the sight of his brother. "I see you've been taking great care of my pack while I've been gone." Will's authority made the air thick with tension. "I'd like you to meet my fine fiancé, Jacqueline." Will smiled down at me for a second. He was good at this whole acting business. He took my face with his left hand and kissed me. It felt so wrong but I kept up with the appearance.

"Don't forget our little princess, darling." I put on a southern dialect, pronouncing every syllable of every word. I placed my right hand on my tiny bump as I spoke.

"Ah yes," William put his hand over mine, "our precious little gem." His crouched, his right hand stroking the small of my back as he moved his hands to my hips, and kissed the top of the small bump. I smiled a little. The sensation was beautiful and the look on Adam's face made it all worth while. He looked stunned, bewildered and defeated all at once. He just realised that he'd lost everything he'd worked so hard for.

"So little brother, you got space for a few extra heads? And are you ready to step down?" At that Adam's expression hardened.

"This my pack, brother. You left it behind. You gave it up."

"So you won't give it up easily, surprise surprise. You always were stubborn when it came to giving things back. Never mind, I'll just go back to my pack and bring war to your doorstep. I don't care."

"Try me, brother. I'll be ready for it. And I will win."

"But will you, little brother?" William rose to his feet again and I pulled me as close as I could get to him. "You never won as a child, what's different now? I will take your place and you will become second in line. My little girl will be first." Adam curled his nose in disgust. Then slowly but with assured movements he made his way down the stairs one step at a time. After what seemed like a lifetime he stood before his brother, stood toe to toe and almost nose to nose.

"She might have you fooled, but her tricks don't fool me." Without looking over to me, he tore the vibrant wig from my head. Alannah gasped as he threw it aside and grabbed my arm. "And there is no-," he stopped mid-sentence. Only when his skin touched mine did he look at me. "There is a child, isn't there? But it isn't yours brother. No. This child, is mine." He pulled me so close the my bump rested on his bare torso. "And she will be my downfall. Both of your will just have to die." He kept hold of me as he turned back to his brother. "You can bring war if you want brother, but she will die nonetheless."

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