Chapter 35 - Is It Too Late For Redemption?

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Lee wouldn't let me out of his sight let alone out of bed for two days. I felt utterly useless and ridiculous. Yet in that same breath I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

For once Lee lay beside me rather than waiting on me hand and foot. I lay on my side, my head resting on his shoulder, tracing the Tasmanian devil cartoon on his top.

"I've been thinking." I didn't stop tracing the image on his top as I spoke.

"Oh really? That can't be a good thing." I could tell that he was joking and I shoved him slightly with my shoulder in jest.

"No, though, in seriousness I think you should meet my parents. And Denise and Jeremy."

"And who would Denise and Jeremy  be?"

"My sister and nephew."

"Ah. Is this a wise thought?" I hadn't really given that much thought to it but this was my family. Sure I'd walked out on them, but had I really been given a choice? I had been torn away from them and now was my chance to fix that.

"Does it matter? I need to do this."


The day soon arrived and I didn't know whether to b terrified or excited. It had been almost three months since I left. What if they were angry? What if I was presumed dead? What if I was in trouble? But then, what if I wasn't?

"Anything I should watch for?" He shrugged on a jacket and picked up a key.

"My sister? She might be a little funny with you. She has a bee in her bonnet about guys." Lee raised an eyebrow as I pulled my own coat on. "Jeremy's dad left her when he found out she was pregnant." Lee stopped and made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "She'll be fine. I hope."

"Let's go." He winked and tipped his head towards the door. I nodded and followed him to a car. It was a small black corsa. "It's not great but it'll get us there."

The car journey wasn't long but as we sat outside my parents bungalow butterflies fluttered violently in my stomach. I felt nauseous and dizzy enough to want to go back to the cottage by the lake immediately. Yet with Lee's hand in mine, the butterflies faded to a dull ache.

Even with the butterflies at bay I couldn't bring myself to know on the door. Instead Lee knocked and I stood clinging to his arm.

Mum answered the door. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, her long dark hair was dry, matted and sprinkles with silver stands, and her entire persona was dismal. She looked broken and lost. I had behind Lee, suddenly ashamed of what I had caused.

"Mrs Franklins?"

"Yes." Her voice sounded as strong as ever but her eyes were dull and empty of their usual fire.

"I'm here about your daughter."

"Denise is out." Mum went to shut the door on him.

"Not Denise."

"I have no other daughter. Not anymore. She's gone." I wanted to cry as my mother's voice snagged slightly. I took a deep breath and composes myself. Silently I stepped out from behind Lee and faced  my mother. "Lily?" Her voice snagged again, almost as though she'd seen me in her mind so often they she didn't believe I was really bad.

"Mum." I smiled to the best of my ability, a single tears falling down one cheek. She stumbled out of the door and threw her arms around me.

"Oh my precious little girl." She spoke into my hair and wrapped her arms tighter round my arms. "Oh my baby. You came home." I could hear her sobbing as I tried my best to hug her back.

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