Chapter 15

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It was the middle of the night and Evelyn began to stir in her sleep. She turned her head back and forth, shaking the blankets off. Finally, she woke up.

She still couldn't see anything, but she could feel someone's hand holding hers. She could only think of one person that would stay with her all night.

"Thra...Thranduil?" She whispered

Thranduil had been sleeping, but her voice had woken him up. She had no idea how happy he was to hear her voice.

"Evelyn?" He said, trying not to sound too excited "I'm glad you're awake."

"Thranduil...I still can't see anything..what day is it? Where am I? and is it night or light out?" Thranduil chuckled at her innocence and he was happy so see that her eyes were no longer black. But they were cloudy, she would become temporarily blind.

"You're in the healing room back at the palace. You're safe now and it's currently the middle of the night."

"The middle of the night?"

"I believe so." He yawned "aren't you tired?"

"A little bit...Thranduil?"


"Are you hurt from the spider attacks?"


"But what?"

"It's my fault you're in this condition. You have no idea how sorry I am. I should've brought you back sooner-"

"Thranduil." She cut him off and moved her hands around in search of his face. She wanted to reassure him that she was alright. He could tell that she was struggling to find his face, so he took her hand and placed it on his cheek for her. Her hand was so cold, she felt way better feeling his warmth. "I'm fine..." She said honestly "and I'm fine because of thank you."

"All I did was call the guards to get us."

"No...I know you helped with the Kingsfoil." He paused for a moment, trying figure out how on earth she knew that.

"How do you know?"

"I heard your voice after everything went dark. Your idea! It worked!" She lifted her hand and even though She couldn't see it, she could feel the pain. "You saved my life." She smiled

Thranduil watched as her lips spread wide and her dimples appeared. And a little tear of joy rolled down her cheek.

"" She began drifting off to sleep "you..."

"I what? What?"

"You eyes...and..."

"And what?"

"Thranduil?" She whispered, the cold was keeping her awake


"I'm...cold." She said shivering and covering herself with her arms.

Thranduil picked up the blanket and covered her with it. And he sat back down in the chair. Evelyn could hear the uncomfortable creaking of the chair, and she felt bad for him. So she patted the side of the bed for him.

"I'm sure sitting there all night is really uncomfortable." His heart skipped a few beats and he thought about it for a moment.

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