Chapter 10

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Word had spread quickly about Lord Huron's unfortunate events. Everyone in the castle found no use in staying since there would be no pay. All the guards and the maids left as soon as Huron's army returned.

Some of Huron's personal maids and guards stole a great amount of his money before they left. Basically everything valuable had been stolen, accept for Evelyn's possessions, those had been kept hidden away mainly because of Huron.

When Oropher arrived at the castle, it had been completely abandoned. The atmosphere was silent and the sky dark.

Oropher grabbed a lantern and lit it, walking over to his son and Evelyn. She had still been unconscious and Thranduil held on to her to keep her from falling off the elk.

Oropher didn't say a word to his son. Thranduil feared that he was furious with him for his actions. But there was no way he could tell, because masking emotions was an easy task for Oropher.

"Father I wanted to-" but Oropher put his hand up to keep him from speaking any further. The King surely seemed angry with him.

If The King was completely honest with himself, he wasn't upset with his son. He was more proud than angry. Thranduil had proven himself to his father that he was no longer a child. It was something that Oropher had not expected for a while.

Oropher led his elk through the halls, nobody was around, who would care? And they made their way to the healing room where bottles of medicine filled the room.

"Set her down there." Oropher pointed over to the bed and Thranduil set her down gently. "She's only unconscious, but there may be pain." So he brought her over bandages for the wound that had been inflicted on her face. He handed them to Thranduil.

"You want me to do it?" He asked confused, his father nodded. Thranduil took the bandages and with that, Oropher left the room.

Thranduil's POV

I walked over to the skink and filled a bowl with warm water. I also lit a few more lanterns, so I'd be able to see better.

Looking down at Evelyn, I noticed that her cheek was bleeding. I didn't know that she'd been hit so hard. How could Huron do that to her?

I dipped the cloth in the warm water and dabbed her cheek a bit. Soon enough the dry blood came off, but there was still a nasty bruise.

"I'm so sorry Evelyn...." I could've done more, I could've prevented this....

I brushed away the loose strands of her flaming hair so that I'd see her face better. I could see the light freckles that speckled across her nose.

She stirred a bit and her brows furrowed. Like she was having a bad dream or something. And just like that her eyes fluttered open. I watched as the tears streamed down her face. She bolted up right, scared out of her mind.

*back to 3rd person*

Evelyn screamed, the terror from hours before still haunted her thoughts. She looked over at the Prince sitting there beside her and slowly, her racing heart began to calm. Evelyn whipped her tears when she realized that she had been crying.


"You're back at the palace and you're in the healing room."

"My father-"

"I'm sorry...Evelyn, your father is dead." Thranduil said sadly looking down at his hands

"He' When?"

"My father, killed him after you went unconscious."

"I see..."

"Please don't be upset with my father, he only did it to protect us..." Thranduil pleaded

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