Best Friends Forever

319 20 13

Title of Poem: Best Friends Forever

Alone in the world,

With a friend who is he.

I understand him,

He understands me.

We tell each other secrets,

We would tell no1else.

But when he moved away,

I was alone by myself.

Who says distance

Can keep us apart?

No matter where we are,

He is in my heart.

He knows who I love,

I know what hee thinks.

When we come together,

It's like we link.

No matter how far apart,

Or how far the distance.

I know he'll be there,

Always to listen.

I dont care how far,

We will be together.

In our minds and hearts,



I noticed two names on here when Jamal wrote this. At the bottom of the page he wrote 

BFF = Jose


BFF = Kevynne

He wrote as well that "even though my poem has -he- read it by replacing -she- and you'll know I love you as well" he meant it to his friends that are girls on wattpad :'( 

Poems I found in Jamal's Room :(Where stories live. Discover now