In touch

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I dusted my hands off on my t-shirt and started walking along the eerily empty streets. It was like a ghost town. Literally. A thought popped to mind. Was I a ghost? Not like the whole invisible 'ooooooh I shall haunt yoooooooou' kind of ghost. But then again I could be a zombie! The idea freaked me out. Oh great... I'm a motherfucking zombie. I groaned... Why did they have to send me back here?! Heaven was fun! I stomped my foot down in frustration. Suddenly the silent night was broken. The phone box next to me, lit up. I frowned, that box had always been broken when I was alive. I'm talking like broken for about five years.

The phone started ringing. Once, twice, three, four times. I looked around, no one seemed to be going to answer it.

"Is anyone gonna answer that?" I called out. No answer. "Okaaay then." I walked up to the grimy little box and stepped in pulling the phone towards my ear.

"Hello?" A boys voice whispered in my ear.

"OLIVER!" I shouted recognising the sound instantaniously.

"Cora, listen close I haven't got long. Your... mission, well here's some information regarding that. You have to find Andrew Dennis Biersack and protect him from the shadow demons. Now shadow demons could be anyone, keep an eye out for people getting in close with him, afterall a shadow demons job is to collect innocent souls."

"How am I supposed to find him?"

"he's in your neighbourhood, doing a few shows this week. His tour bus is by the sunshine bar, you're to say that you're the new merch girl."


"they're expecting you don't worry Freddie took care of that."


"wondering how you fight a shadow demon?"

"yeah kinda..."

"that I don't know... you'll have to figure it out as you go."

"great, just great..."

"Any other questions?"

"yeah... Am i a ghost or a zombie?"

"seriously?" i could hear the exassporation in his tone.

"um... yeah."

"neither... duh! You're a fucking gaurdian angel!"

"Oh yeah..."

"That all?"

"pretty much."

"Okay... I'll see you soon Cora."

"bye!" i blurted out before he hung up, leaving me in eery quiet once more. Great, i thought. Afterall babysitting never really was my thing...

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