The crash

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Hey. Cora here. What's up? Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm nineteen. I love writing and painting. I play bass in a band and I play piano. I'm a straight A student and i've never missed a day from school. I'm going on to study music journilism and photography at college. I'm having a gap year first though. I'm in America right now. Originally I'm from england. Alright govener. Haha only joking. You'll get used to my random banter sooner or later. I'm an only child and I've lived on my own for three years now. My family is so messed up we don't even put the fun in disfunctional. Literally that's how deppressing it is. So yeah... Sometimes your own company is the best. Well thats my opinion anyway. That's about it really.

Oh wait... I nearly forgot, how silly of me. I'm dead. I guess I should explain. yeah I see a few confused faces out there. It was, messy, my death. Not like i got hacked to peices by some saw copycat. But it was messy enough.

See it was an average saturday. As part of my gap year I was staying with my cousin in America for two months. Anyway, average saturday. I'd just been to the local supermarket to pick up some things. Milk, bread, a few pieces of fruit and veg and some gum. Because who doesnt need gum right?

I walked out of the shop and started making my way, to my cousins and my shared car. I stepped out into the road, thinking it was clear. Obviously I was wrong. I car came speeding round the corner just missing the fire hydrant on the corner of the avenue. It zig zagged all over the place. I ran to move out of the way, but at the last second the car turned and advanced towards me. I couldnt move, trapped against the side of a parked car. I screamed, it's blood-curdling sound echoing off the buildings around me. The car slammed into me, throwing me high into the sky. I flipped over the car and landed with a sickening thud. I heard the car screech to a halt and smack into the other vehicle with what sounded like a lot of force.

I was gasping for air, my lungs were clearly ruptured, all of my ribs broken. I tried to roll and my face landed in a pool of blood. My blood. The metalic taste overwhelmed my mouth, My skin seared in more then a few places and I could feel the swelling process beginning. black spots danced in my vision and it didn't take long for the pain to start drifting. For my life force to become distance. Obvious signs that I was fading from the land of the living and materializing in the after life. My heart sped up and then the continuous beat ceased. My body temperature started lowering. My body began decomposing. It was all over.

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