120 ~ Right?

24 1 3

Your life is perfect.. right?

Well you can think that.. but in my eyes it isn't. I understand others go through more but it comes down to how stable they are...

My parents are together, they yell at me. I don't get everything I want. Doesn't mean I can't be depressed.

You have great friends though?
Yea I have amazing friends but doesn't mean I can't be depressed. Just because I have friends doesn't mean I don't hurt.

You have a boyfriend? A lot of people don't have someone

Doesn't mean I can't be depressed. He's helped me but it doesn't mean I'm not depressed. Depression isn't like that.

I hate when people are like 'your life isn't that bad you can complain...

But they don't understand. They don't understand that your old best friend almost succeeded in committing suicide. It hurts that I wasn't there for them. It hurts that my friend is in pain. It hurts that my ex killed themselves because I asked if he really loved me.
It hurts that I have to do certain things so I am accepted.
I'm so use to doing it I don't realize that I do it anymore... I hate it..
They always doubted me because they never knew that it was 2am on a Thursday night and I was up crying my eyes out with my best friend the blades.... they never knew that I was like that.. except the teacher.. He told me I was really good at hiding things because he saw my self harm. I get in trouble at school because that was the only time I had friends.

But this year... I'm thank full for having the people I do... Peter, Bethany, Emile, Kayla, Caitlin, Kim and everyone else... they never gave up and weren't like the others.. they didn't ditch me like the others did.. I am really thankful I have them to be honest...

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