Falling For The Weasley Twins (1)

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Chapter One

Emma Smith.


5th Year at Hogwarts.


Grade A student.

And completely in love with the Weasley twins.

I walked down the hallway to my next class.  I had Potions next. They did too.  After all we are in the same house.  Fred and George didn't even know I exist.  The only people who knew about my crush was my best friend; Massie and my brother; Thomas.  Normally brothers get on their sisters nerves but not Tom.  He never got on my nerves.  He was always so nice to me.

"Hey Em" Massie said.  Massie had curly brown hair and hazel eyes.  Her skin was pale but not too pale.

"Hey Mass" I said quietly.  That was me.  Ms.Quiet.  That's probably why the twins didn't ever notice me was because I was so quiet. Here they were, loud and noisy.  And then me, soft and quiet. 

"What class are you going to?" She asked.

"Potions" I said.

"With?" Massie asked raising an eyebrow.  She knew I had every class with them.  She just liked hearing me say it.

"Them" She knew who 'them' were.

"Maybe you should try talking to one of them Emma" Massie suggested.  I learned not to listen to her suggestions because a lot of them end in me getting totally embarrassed.

"No.  I'm good" I said quietly.  Massie stopped walking and put her hands on her hips.

"Emma, how do you expect them to like you if you never even speak to them?" Massie asked.

"I don't want them to notice me" I said.  Which was true.  What if I did something stupid?  And they saw??

"Em.  Come on.  Just say hi.  One word.  That's it." Massie tried to convince me.

"Mass no.  What if I do something stupid?" I said.

"What if you don't?" That shut me up.  Maybe I should talk to them.  I mean, what's one word right?  I'll say hi.  Just hi.  But what if they don't say hi back? My stomache started to get butterflies.

"Do you want to practice?" Massie asked.

I shook my head no.

"Look, I'm here.  I'll say hi but what if they don't say hi back?" I asked.

"Then it's there loss" Massie said. I sighed.  Massie left for Defense Against the Dark Arts. I entered the room.  Oh god there they were.  Joking around in the back. My heartbeat trippled as I approached my desk.  I felt guilty as I walked past them without saying hi.  After all I did promise Massie.  But seriously, bravery was not in my vocabulary.

I sighed but no one noticed.  I guess I'm going to be in the shadows for the rest of my life, watching Fred and George from a distance.  I've been doing it for five years, why not a few more?

I took out my purple notebook.  I usually doodled in this one but today I promised myself to actually take notes.  Real notes, not notes about how cute Fred looks or how funny George is. 

I stared enviously at the girls Fred was speaking to.  Why wouldn't they ever talk to me like that?  The only time Fred even acknowledged my existence was when he asked to borrow a pencil.  And even then he didn't specifically ask me.  He just sort of asked out loud and I gave one to him.  He never gave it back but he can keep it.  I doubt he still even has it anyway.

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