Falling For The Weasley Twins (5)

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***A Little Note***

If you are reading this for the first time PLEASE skip over the comments.  I've been doing a LOT of editing on this story and it's basically a brand new story.  The comments will give things away that shouldn't be given away.  So please skip over them.  Thank you!  Oh I'm also looking for a new cover!  If any of you want to show of your awesome cover skills let me know!  I'll dedicate a chapter to you, fan you, and vote for every chapter of all your stories!  AND I'll tell everyone to go read them if I think they're good enough.  Okay I hope you all enjoy!!!

Chapter Five:

"Okay so is everyone clear on the plan?" Fred whispered.  I looked around the now empty Common Room.  Massie left.  She said she wanted me to be alone with Fred and George.  I wasn't really alone considering there were about 5 other people here.  But whatever works...

I couldn't get the fact that George said I was pretty out of my head.  I mean sure he was just trying to be nice but...It still made my heart flutter.  If George really meant what he said, maybe I'm the girl...

Stop getting your hopes up Emma.  It's not worth all the heartbreak.

"Okay we should divide into groups of three.  Ben, Molly, and Ian.  You three should take the back route.  Trevor, Haille, and Jess you three should take the left route."

Fred looked around the room at the remaining people.  "I guess that just leaves George, Emma, and I to take the longer route.  The right route." Fred said.

"Why are we all taking seperate routes?" I asked.

"We can't risk getting caught.  In huge groups it's more likely we will, but in smaller it's more likely we'll get away" Fred winked at me.

I nodded understandingly.  Although I couldn't get that wink out of my head. 

"Alright all groups take about five dung bombs.  That way if one of us do get caught they don't have all the amo" Fred said handing each group a backpack.  This was so exciting!  I've never played a prank on anyone before except for my brother.  I smiled as I remembered April Fools Day.  We got into a full on prank war.  Good times...

"Everyone move out!" Fred whisper shouted.  I checked the clock before we went.  It was almost 2 am.  I yawned.

"You tired?" George asked.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine" I said.  I held my breath as we entered the cold, dark, halls.  My arms began to shake.  Not only was it cold but I'm also scared of ghosts.  And when do they come out the most?  Night.

"You cold?" Fred asked.

"That's half of it" I said looking around behind me.

"Here take my jacket" George said.  He put it around me.  This reminded me of cheesey movies.

"Thanks" I said.

I could have sworn I heard Fred mutter something under his breath.  I couldn't make out what it was, but it was definately something.  When I glanced at George and saw he wasn't looking I took in a deep breath of his jacket.  It smelled just like him.

Woah did that sound weird?  It wasn't suppose to.  But George does smell nice...

"You know if you get scared you can always hold my hand" Fred teased and winked.

"Thanks" I laughed.  "Just might have to take you up on that"

Fred offered his hand and I took it.  Our fingers wrapped around each others.  We both gripped each other's hands tight.  Me because of my huge crush, him probably to comfort me.

"So what are you afraid of?  Getting caught?" Fred asked.

"No" I laughed.  "Although that's pretty scary too.  I'm....kinda afraid of ghosts" I admitted.

"Must suck to go to this school then" Fred laughed.

"Yeah" I sighed. 

"Don't worry" Fred gripped my hand tighter.  "They can't hurt you"

"I know but they're still scary" I shuddered.

"You two look like your some type of couple" George joked.  Something in his tone though...I couldn't quite place it. 

I pulled my hand away from Fred's.  Last thing I need is more attention attracted to me.  The more people look at me the more embarrasing stuff I seem to do.

I heard footsteps walking down the hall.  At first I thought they were just the other kids who got a little lost but when I listened closer, there was only one pair of them.

"Stop!" I whisper shouted.  As soon as I said that both the boys stopped.  We all craned our necks to hear.  They sounded close.  Very, close.

"This way!" I whispered to a nearby class.  I opened the door as quietly as possible, which was pretty loud.  The three of us hurried inside.

"What are we gunna do?!" I asked in panic.

"Don't worry.  Just stay calm.  George and I have been in way worse situations then this.  Right Georgey?" Fred asked.

"Right.  There's nothing to worry about" George reasurred me.  I exhaled a huge breath and waited.  My heart thudded in my throat as I awaited my doom.  Okay that was a little extreme but the worst trouble I've ever gotten in to was taking a cookie from the cookie jar when I was three.

Those were the rebelious days...

"I'll go see if the coast is clear" George said.  I held my breath as George creeped over to the door and exited the classroom.

George was my hero, cheesey I know.  But he was brave enough to risk getting caught.  I mean what if it's Snape!  He'll be expelled!

"Don't worry everythings going to be okay" Fred whispered.  I jumped at his voice.  I almost forgot he was there.

"I know.  I probably seem to be such a scaredy cat" I sighed.

"Nah, your just...not the adrenaline type.  You're more....the book type" Fred said.

"Thanks" I muttered.  So he thought I was boring.  Great.  That's what every girl wants to hear.

"I don't mean that in a bad way!  It means you're smart.  Way smarter than us I bet" Fred laughed.  I smiled. 

Footsteps grew closer and closer.  I started to panic as the doorknob slowly turned.

"Quick in here" Fred pushed me in a storage closet.  It was......a very, very tight squeeze.  Our bodies were literally pushed up against each other.  Our noses almost touched.

"Very....roomy" Fred joked.

I shushed him as I craned my neck to see out of the small line, hole, things. 

"I know you're in here!" Snape bellowed.

"I know you are!  Come out!  Now!" Snape shouted.

We're going to get caught.  We're going to get caught.  We're going to get caught.

I sighed with relief when I heard him exit.  And just to be sure I peeked threw the holes and sure enough, he was gone.  I sighed again.

"That was close" I said.

"Not as close as we are" Fred smiled.

"True" I laughed.

Fred glanced at my lips for a minute.  I couldn't help but glance at his.  His beautiful, pink lips.

Fred leaned in closer.  If that was even possible.  Our lips just about to touch-

And then the door opens.


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