Chapter 2 - 13 Years of hell

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For 13 years the people of the Caliphate suffered with great loses, over 40,000 dead and 60,000 disabled from acute radiation poisoning, no one knows the exact figures.

Using a decentralized system across Syria and Iraq they managed to produce two 15 kilogram U-238 weapons grade plutonium plates, and some smaller 1-2 gram plates.

After much rhetoric and fighting the holy war in many different countries they managed to produce their first experimental prototype weapon, as soon as Abu saw the finished article he said "this is exactly what Allah showed me", "allahu akbar" he cried.

Abu knew the time is right for the first test, but he isn't prepared to waste the weapon preforming a controlled test, he declared to his trusted obedient followers "we test the device on the infidels".

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