Chapter 1

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Seo Jin's POV

Loving Jimin wasn't an easy task. He was the most difficult boy in this entire world to love. He could be a total gentleman, being nice and all one moment, and the next, he could just be a total jerk. But loving him was the best thing I have ever done. I know that loving him isn't right, but I still gave it a shot. No matter how many times he has hurt me, no matter how many times he has broke me, I still love him with all my heart, he is still good in my eyes. I'm not going to deny it. Loving him was like a roller coaster. Sometimes, things get from good to better, sometimes things get from bad to worst, sometimes things get from good to bad, and sometimes things get from bad to good. Being in love with Jimin made me realise a lot of things, and taught me lots of things too. It made me realise that when you love someone, you forgive them easily because you don't want to lose them. It made me realise that its hard to live without the person you love. But it also made me realise that when you love someone, you would want that person to be happy, even if you aren't the one making him happy. It made me realise that it is possible to love someone more than you love yourself. It made me realise too, that when things get bad, no matter what it is, the first person you want to talk to it about is the person you love. And if it's something good, the first person you want to share it with, is also the person you love. Loving Jimin taught me how to love someone wholeheartedly, how to forgive someone without any regrets. It also made me realise that there's actually a really good reason to study hard. It's crazy how much one person can change your mood. It's crazy too, how someone can mean so much to you. And you know what's even crazier? That you can hate and love someone so much at the same time. You know they say that one day, you're gonna meet someone you definitely won't forget. I... I think I met that someone. And you know, being in love with someone makes you realise how much you actually care for a person. It makes you realise even if you want to hate him, you can't hate him completely. It makes you realise that you're in love when you lie on bed thinking about that one person all night, because you miss him. It also makes you realise that those sleepless nights you have because you miss that person, is actually worth it. It would make you want to change yourself for the better, just to make him happy. And whenever you see his smile, you would naturally be happy. For every single time someone says something bad about him, you would realise that you would stand up for him and defend him, even if you know everyone's going to hate you so much afterwards. Loving someone like Jimin was tiring. But somehow, I never ever had the thought of giving up. We would fight and argue often. Was it tiring? Yes it was. But fighting or arguing with him made me love him more, because it was the only way I could know what I have done wrong, so I could change for the better. Missing him would drive me crazy. And when you truly love someone, you would place all your trust in him. You would trust him with your phone password, your phone, your wallet, the clothes you were going to buy, the colour of the lipstick you were going to wear that day. You would trust him with everything, especially your heart. And every single promise you both made, you would trust he would fulfill all of them, even though sometimes deep down inside, you know the chances of him breaking it was higher than the chances of him fulfilling it. But that's love. That's how love works. And that, that is how loving Jimin works.

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