Chapter 14

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Jimin's POV

It was hard to watch her walk away. But... But I have no rights to chase after her. Anymore. Moreover, I'm leaving soon. The more we talk, the more she will get upset. As I walked towards the bus stop, I couldn't help but think about her. While she was walking away, was she hoping that I would chase after her? In the future, will I be able to meet her? Or am I just going to lose her like this? The bus pulled up and I got up. I sat down on the first seat, nearest to the bus driver. It made me recall the first time I took the bus with her. She insisted on sitting on the outside, so that if the bus breaks, she would be the one to fall instead of me. But I said no. I remember her pouting. But still, I said no. I should have said yes, if I knew that that was the first and last time she was insisting on something to small. I sighed.

Seo Jin's POV

One day, that one fine day that you're doing fine, you will be hearing from your best friend, that he has gotten over you, that he has moved on. And that's when everything hits you so hard. The memories. First date, first hug, first touch, first kiss, first time at his place, first time meeting his parents, first time holding his hand, first time he walked you home, first time he picked you from school while he was sick just because he missed you so much then. The first everything. And then you will recall the promises he made, and he promises you made, and the promises you two made. And what hits you next are the times when you get into trouble with him, when he gets into trouble for you, when you get into trouble for him. And then you will start to recall the bad memories; the times you argued with him, the times he argued with you, the times he said you're annoying but you took it seriously, the times when you were cold to him for no reason, the times when you two fought so badly one of you mentioned the word 'break up', the times when you two were on break(s). Then here comes the memories of the first break up. The very first time he left you. You will recall crying yourself to sleep, you will recall trying so hard to get his attention, you will recall wanting him back so badly, and you will recall that day he came back to you. And then, you will remember that he said these words "but our second break up will be when we get married alright". And you will remember saying, "yea :)". And that's when you realise that it was perfect for a moment. And you will remember how he can't eat pills, how he is allergic to citruses, how he wanted to get that shoe with you so badly, how you both wore red socks to school one day and got caught together, how he would brush hair away from your face while saying how cute you are, how you would deny whenever he said that, how you felt when he said "I love you bby", and everything. Then comes confusion. You would remember how just two weeks ago, he told you he missed you so much and that he is trying his hardest to let you go, and how he told you he was jealous over you talking to another boy, and how he hugged you so tightly. And you would feel that pang in your heart, because you aren't sure if your best friend meant it when she said that he was over you. And now, you're forcing yourself to accept that fact. You're forcing yourself to believe her. You're forcing yourself to not cry. You're forcing yourself to hold back everything and you're telling yourself he isn't worth it. But deep down inside, you know clearly that it is worth it. Or at least, it was worth it. And the knot in your throat tightens and you start to have suicidal thoughts. And you'll think of the easiest and fastest, but least painful way of ending your life. But then, that's when you think of your father, who has always been there for you. You would start recalling how he sat with you till the wee hours just to make sure you aren't alone while studying late, how he listened to you rant every single day without fail. And you would push away the thoughts and tell yourself firmly "no.". And then you would recall the many memories you wanted to make with him, but didn't get the chance to. And then you would go into his social media account, to check if he is okay. And you now make a promise to yourself that this will be the last time you're doing this. But you know that it wouldn't be. But you made that promise anyway, because you want to remind yourself how strong you are. But hey, you know what? It's okay to be weak. It really is. And it's okay to cry. You just got to remember to pick yourself up everytime you fall. And now, by now, you would be so drained, emotionally. But somehow, something reminds you of the things your mother told you. You would recall the time when she told you a story of the top students falling in love, and breaking up, and the boys moving on, but the girls holding on, and the girls failing their major exams so badly, but the boys doing so well in it. And you would ask yourself "do you regret all these?". And still, after countless asks, your answer would be the same. Your answer would still be a no. And you would pick up the notebook you both used to write in, and smile at it. And surprisingly, it doesn't hurt no more. You felt somewhat free. As if the burden has been lifted. And that terries you so much. But, to your relieve, that's only for a while. And that's when the pain comes in again. And again, being the stubborn girl you are, you force yourself to hold everything in. And stupid girl, that's what's causing you to lose the friends you once have. You push them away when they wanted to help you through this tough ordeal. And now, you would ask yourself; Will he remember me? What if i see him on the street? How am i to face him in school now? Has he really moved on? Js he really over me? How come he can do it so fast? Did he really love me in the first place? Will he miss me? Does he miss me from time to time? Yes, he will remember you, because remember this: he didn't date any girl as long as he did date you, he didn't cry over any girl so badly so many times, he didn't love anyone as much as he did love you. If you see him on the street, please smile at him. Acknowledge him, so he will remember that it's you. You have no choice, you must face him, you got to overcome this fear. Please do yourself a favour and believe that he has really moved on. Please believe that he is really over you. He did it this fast, because he found an escape route while you were still crying on the bathroom floor. Please don't doubt his love. He really loved you. His feelings were genuine. The last thing you should ever do is doubt his love. Yes, he will miss you. He had the most memories with you so far. He definitely will miss you, I'm sure of this. And yes, he does miss you from time to time. I mean, hey, how can he not? He will miss the memories and everything, and you too. Then you would recall that two weeks ago, he requested to meet you at the usual hide out, and you would recall that he hugged you so tight, and you would recall that he couldn't help it but kiss you, then tell you that your lips are still so soft with tears in his eyes, and how he told you, while brushing hair out of your face, that he kissed you because you are just so pretty, and then he hugged you so tightly again, and whispered in your ears saying that he was jealous of the boy sitting next to you in class because you kept talking and laughing with that boy, and how he told you he missed you so much, and held your hands again. And you, right now, are regretting. Because you didn't know that that was the very last kiss, the very last hug, the very last time you get to hear him whisper in your ears, the very last time you hear him tell you that he is jealous of that boy, the very last time he told you that he missed you, the very last time you get to hear him tell you that your lips are still so soft, the very last time you get to see tears in his eyes, the very last time he brushed hair out of your face, the very last time he told you that you're pretty, and the very last time you get to go so close to him. It took him two weeks to get over you. And you can do that too. You're stronger than he is. You can move on in two weeks too. But my dear, please... Please just move on... Nothing but move on. Please stop hurting yourself for him. He is just a past now. The memories are worth keeping and definitely worth looking back. But, memories are not meant for reliving. Please stop hurting yourself for him. Please... Please love yourself like how you love (present tense) him... Please stop expecting him to call you at 3am just to hear your voice. Please stop waiting for him to text you. Please remove that emoji next to his contact. Please... Please do this for yourself, and for the people who love you.

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