Chapter 6: First Real Mission

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After about what seemed to be about thousands of D-ranked missions, Team 7 finally grew tried and decided to ask their for sensei for their first C-ranked mission. He was avoiding the mission more three weeks but no more.

"Okay team, time to get another mission." Uzu said too excitedly.

Senpu and Sasuke glared at Uzu before telling him, they wanted a C-rank mission. Uzu sadden incredibly, before walking gloomingly to the Hokage Tower.

Sakura looked frightened about going on a C-ranked mission and looked at Sasuke for comfort.  Sasuke's face was twisted into an evil smirk and Sakura inched towards Senpū. Senpū sighed before throwing a rock toward Sasuke, causing Sakura to berate him. Senpu picked his ear to clear out Sakura's screaming.

Inner Sakura was actually thanking Senpū for changing the subject. Sasuke glared at Senpū before jumping at him. Senpu eye smiled before body flickering to the Hokage Tower.

Sasuke slid across the ground into a painter. Pink and orange paint spilled on him and he punched the ground before storming off. Sakura giggled a little and followed while Inner Sakura was laughing hysterically. Sasuke and Sakura entered the Hokage's Office to find Senpū with a camera and Uzu holding back laughter.

"I didn't think of you as a painter Sasuke." Senpū said smirking.

Sasuke glared and brooded in the corner. The Hokage chuckled before handing Uzu the mission scroll.

"That is the C-rank mission you all were wishing for ... Mister Tazuna, please come in." The Hokage said happily.

A grey-haired, bespectacled man with a large beard and dark eyes entered the office. He wore a sleeveless v-neck shirt with an obi, pants and a pair of sandals. He also carried a towel around his neck and wore a pointed hat on his head.

He was clearly drunk, if the bottle of sa]p]]]porn] ]]Dominique] p]ppp]pp]ppp]p]pp]pppppppppppp]pp]p]]pp]]p]]p]]ppp]pke meant anything. He scanned the room and grimaced at what he saw.

"Is this what I get, a kitten, a rainbow duck, and a bubblegum?" Tazuna said disappointingly.

Team 7 all drew a kunai at their client for his insults. Uzu moved in front of Tazuna.

"Don't threaten your client. Its bad for business." Uzu said.

Senpū glared at him before huffing and turning away, "Let's just get this over with." Uzu smiled and called attention to everyone, "We leave tomorrow at 7 am. Don't be late and prepare for at least a week."

Senpū and Naruto nodded before Senpū grabbed Naruto and body flickered to their home. Sasuke glared at Yuzuha who glared back and both left separately. Sakura ran home blabbing about looking pretty for Sasuke and Takeru used the Hirashin after studying it for 7 years.

He wished to be dubbed the 'Pink Flash' similar to the fourth hokage's 'Yellow Flash'. Uzu smirked and spoke to Team 6's sensei, "Well Mimi, time to get some rest for tomorrow."

What do you think about the third person story? I tried and I'll try to make the next chapter better. Anyway, I loved what happened to Sasuke and they all will change for the better.

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