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"Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never knew you had" Anonymous


One day I just woke up and everything was different.

The second I opened my eyes I could sense a change, when I looked in the mirror I looked the same, same brown hair, same green eyes, same scar on my shoulder but on the inside I felt different, I felt strange and then suddenly I knew.

I had my purpose.

For the first time in my life I was at a loss for words so instead of yelling to the hills how excited I was, I simply jumped up and down on the spot and did a weird sort of dance.

And that was how the King, the Queen and the Prime-minister saw me for the first time, hopping about on one leg and waving my hands in the air like a maniac.

"Is this the boy? Are you sure? He doesn't look... well... healthy." The second I heard that familiar voice I opened my eyes and spun around, it was to my horror that I then discovered the three most famous and influential people in the world staring at me. It was in that moment that I knew I had made a mistake, but it was also in that moment that I knew Ii didn't care. I had my purpose, my story and nobody was going to stop me, they couldn't no matter how hard they tried.

You see I am a scribe, or at least a scribe in training. Since the beginning of time there were scribes, they woke up one morning with a purpose, just like I did, and it was their duty, their duty to the world and to history to fulfil their purpose. A scribe's purpose is to record a series of events, that are either pivotal to history or hold a significance that may not be realised for thousands of years. Some scribes have more important jobs than others, some become more famous than others, it all depends on the way they tell their story.

As a scribe in training it is my job to read as many stories as I can, of all different kinds, so that I am prepared for when my time comes. You see its not like being a reporter, those are different, they just comment on what they see, describe it from their point of view. Scribes are different, much different. We go into The Room and we don't come out until our purpose if fulfilled. We go into a trance, we speak to no one, we live on a diet of plain foods, The Room is white, our clothes are white, the desk is white, everything form the paper to the pencils are white.

Everything is basic and dull so our sense can devote everything they have to the trance because once we enter it can be very dangerous to disturb. In the trance we live the lives of either one particular person, we see everything through their eyes, we hear everything they are thinking, we smell what they smell, hear what they hear. It is as if for a certain period of time we are sharing a body. Sometimes there are multiple people who are vital to the story, sometimes you are living inside the heads of multiple people at once which is extremely confusing.

When I first found this out I thought it was extremely creepy, I'd hate sharing my body with someone, not just in the moments where I used the bathroom or was in the shower and had to wash certain areas but the moments in time where I felt sad, or lonely or just needed to be alone, I'd hate if someone were there watching me.

Since then though I have developed a particularly strong addiction to eavesdropping and knowing everything. My curiosity had been at an all time high lately and now I knew why.

When I turned to face the King I gave him a wave he was a jolly man who laughed a lot and had a very encouraging smile, his wife the queen was the same, they seemed to like me, or at least I hoped. The Prime-minister on the other hand was not only the most beautiful person I had ever seen but also the most unpleasant. She had made the comment about my health. Typical of her to think having fun was a health condition.

"Your purpose has arrived? Just this morning? Are you ready, ready to do your duty?" The King asks in a gruff voice.

"Yes sir I am, I have been preparing for hti smoment my entire life."

"Your record doesn't agree, and frankly neither do your teachers, they say you are slack, easily distracted, always in a world of your own." Prime Minister Pernicious Periwinkle wrinkled her nose at me in distaste.

"If your excuse me Prime-minister, but my creativity and attention to detail is none of your business and if I may be frank obviously not a strong point of yours because after all your Prime-minister not a scribe." I looked at her breavely, my heart was racing a mile of minute, pounding in my chest so loud I thought they could surely hear it.

"How dare you boy! You –"

"Alright, Alright calm down Prime-minster. We just came to wish you luck and to congratulate you on your purpose. Your headmaster told me that your purpose holds great importance, that if you do it right you will become one of the greats, become part of the museum along-side George R.R.Martin, Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, James Dashner, Allie Condie, Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, Charlaine Harris, Stephanie Meyer, Matthew Riley, Clive Cussler and many other scribes who recorded history in the most incredible way." The king looked at me proudly, I hoped it was because he thought I would do great because I was his fifth cousin not because he hoped to be mentioned in my purpose.

"Yes sir." I reply, I really am just excited to begin my purpose so my reply comes out in a squeak as I try and contain my excitement. How very manly of me.

When they leave Headmaster Mica comes to get me to prepare me for The Room.

I am showered and shaved, not that much of my face needs shaving yet I'm ashamed to say, I just don't seem to be able to grow facial hair like I should. My new white clothes are fitted, they are thick and tight, over time they will thin out and loosen up on me. I saver the feeling of being clean because I know that it is the last time in a while that I will feel this way.

When I enter the room Headmaster Mica gives me some wise words of wisdom that I'm sure he sprouts off to everyone before they enter the trance, " Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams that you never knew you had." It was an anonymous quote that had been a motto of sorts for thousands of years. Not that they calmed my excitement or my nerves.

When I was finally left on my own, I too in the white room, closed my eyes and filled my lungs with odourless air, focused my ear drums on picking up even the slightest of noise.

When I sat down at the desk, in a chair that was made of a special jelly like substance that conformed to the shape of my body for optimum comfort, I noticed the only thing hanging on the wall was directly in front of me in big black block letters. My name, Dan Delion.

I took a deep breath, "Wish me luck mum and dad" I said out loud, but of course they couldn't because they had died long ago.

The second I picked up the pencil my world went white, then black, then a collidescope of colours and shapes, a dance of violets and reds, a fight of oranges and reds, a song of greens and blues.

Then I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful blue sky I had ever seen. This was it, this was the beginning of my purpose.


Ok so the prologue introduces Dan Delion, he won't feature again until the very end but he is still a very important character.

So how did you like it! All those scribes/ authors which we know and love basically wrote what we think is fictional stuff but in this story was actually a part of history so if that doesn't clarify in this story Supernatural things exist! Which for me would be awesome!


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