When he confesses

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~ Natsu ~

     Today, Natsu barged in your apartment and said that he had something to show you, you asked what it was but he just grabbed your hand and began to drag you out of your apartment. Now you were being dragged down the street by Natsu "Natsu! Stop dragging me! Where are we going?" you whined and he looked at you grinning "you'll see" you just sighed
     He came to a stop and you saw that you were in front of Fairy Tail "Natsu, wha--" but he interrupted you "you'll see!" he climbed to the rooftop and began to use his fire magic and you were COMPLETELY confused. Suddenly, he put his hand in the air and the word "I love you" formed in the sky and you stared with wide eyes, you heart going doki doki and your cheeks red. He jumped down from the roof blushing madly "s-s-s-so... W-w-what d-do y-yo--" you cut him of by wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing you lips against his. He jumped back a little with wide eyes but soon melted in the kiss and kissed back, wrapping his arms around your waist. You parted away and whispered "I love you too, flame head"

~ Gray ~

    You were hanging out with Gray and he looked pretty nervous about something, so you decided to ask "hey Gray?" he jumped a little "y-y-y-yes?" he stuttered "are you nervous about something?" he started to sweat "n-n-nooo... What m-made you t-t-think t-t-t-that?" he smiled nervously and you made a 'are you serious' face "am... Because you sweating and stuttering like crazy?" you said like it was the most obvious thing. He relaxed and sighed "yeah... Um... I was going to give you this" he grabbed something in his pocket and gave to you. It was a little ice (favorite animal), but the most incredible thing, was that he moved! "wow! Gray, it's awesome!" you exclaimed and he smiled. Suddenly the animal sneezed and out came a snowflakes forming the words "be mine?" your eyes widened and you grinned, pulling on Gray "yes!!" he hugged back and then pulled away to kiss you. The kiss was passionate and sweet, then he pulled away and whispered "good, because it was pretty difficult to make this thing move and sneeze"

~ Laxus ~

     You and Laxus were fighting two mages from a dark guild and you were having some difficulties. "Fuck" you thought when the mage used his magic to cover his feet and kick you. You smashed on the wall and fell to the floor, and you fainted  "(Y/N)!!" Laxus yelled and used his last attack to kill the two mages. He kneeled down next to you and placed you head on his lap "Oi! C'mon, (Y/N)!" he placed a hand on you cheek and you slowly opened you (E/C) eyes "L-Laxus...?" "oh thanks god! You're okay!" he pulled you into a hug "h-hey... It's okay, I'm okay" "I don't know what I would have done without you" you felt your cheeks heat up. He pulled away and looked at you "I... I love you, (Y/N)... I don't want to loose you..." your eyes widened and you blushed like a tomato "I-I-I-I..." you began to stutter and he sighed "look... I understand if you don't feel the same way..." "n-no! I feel the same way! It's just that... I have some difficulties on saying, ahem, this four words..." he blinked and chuckled "yeah... I had some difficulties too" he pulled you into a passionate kiss and you kissed back. You parted away and took a deep breath "I... L-L-L-Love... Y-y-you too! Yeah! I made it!" he laughed and kissed you again

~ Rogue ~

     You were buying some ice cream when suddenly you heard Froach running towards you and Rogue right behind him with a panicked look. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" said Froach as he came to a stop "I have news!" you tilted your head to the side "huh? What is it, Froach?" "Rogue lo--" Rogue interrupted him by placing his hand on his mouth, he looked at you and laughed nervously "hahaha... Hey, (Y/N)... Froach has nothing to say! He's just being... Froach! You know..." you raised and eyebrow and Froach broke free from
Rogue's grip "Rogue loves (Y/N)!" he blurted out and you blushed 50 shades of red "Froach!" exclaimed Rogue with a furious blush "I-Is it t-true, Rogue...?" you looked at him and when he looked at you, he blushed more and more "a-a-am... No! I mean! Yeah! I mean! I was going to tell you but I thought that you liked someone else or maybe you had a boyfriend or maybe yo--" you interrupted him by pressing you lips against his. He blinked before kissing back and wrapping his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer. You parted away "No, I don't like someone else, no I don't have a boyfriend and... I love you too" he sighed in relief and kissed you again. And Froach just stood there with his POOR VIRGIN EYES

~ Lyon ~

     Lyon couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to confess his feelings for you. So he just blurted it out.
    He asked you if you wanted to have launch with him and you accepted. He was acting strange all the day but you just let it go.
     You two were sitting on a bench at the park and Lyon was moving uncomfortably "Lyon?" "YES?!" he exclaimed jumping. Your left eye twitched "are you okay...?" "I'M PERFECTLY FINE" "no, you're not... What's wrong?" "I LOVE YOU!" when he realized what he said he blushed furiously and covered his mouth "L-Lyon... You..." you blushed like a tomato and looked everywhere but him. He sighed and placed his hand on yours and you looked at his from the corner of you eye "I-I... I love you, (Y/N)..." you fully looked at him and smiled "I love you too, Lyon" he looked shocked but grinned widely and tackled you in a hug "YES!! I THOUGH THAT YOU LIKED GRAY" you patted his back "nah... Gray is just a friend..." he pulled away and kissed you and you kissed back. In somewhere out there, Gray flinched

~ Gajeel ~

     You were at the Fairy Tail guild hall talking with Juvia, when suddenly, Gajeel slammed the doors open and the guild fell silent. His eyes landed on you and he went towards you. He stared at you for a moment and you just stared back "what the fuck is he doing" you thought. Then he placed a hand on you shoulder "look, pipsqueak, I'm only gonna say this once so listen. I love you and I don't care if you don't feel the same way. Your mine"
Your right eye twitched "couldn't you have said it in a more sweet way?" you asked "no" he answered clearly and you chuckled "yeah... I knew it... But, I love you too, iron head" "good" he grabbed your waist and pulled you into a rough but sweet kiss

~ Sting ~

     "You have to tell her"
     "What do you mean...?"
     Lector sighed and grabbed Sting's paperwork "Hey! Give it back!" Sting tried to grab it back but Lector gave it to Froach "c'mon Sting! Someone else is gonna get her!" Sting sighed "Lector... I can't... She likes Rogue..." he said sadly "you don't know! Did you ask her?!" "no..." "someone told you?!" "no... It's just that... They seem pretty close and she smiles and laugh and sometimes blushes around him" "SO?! Sting, you don't know if it's true! They're not dating or nothing like that, right Froach?" he looked at the green cat "Aye!" Sting looked down and thought for a moment, then stood up "okay. I'm gonna find her" Lector grinned "yes!"
     You were on a bench with Rogue "(Y/N)" called Rogue and you looked at him "Hm?" "Do you like anyone?" you blushed a bit "y-yes..." he started to lean down but you placed a hand on his chest "I-I... I love Sting... Sorry..." he frowned "Sti--" "(Y/N)" he was interrupted by Sting's voice and you two looked at him. Sting was with eyes widened "Y-you... Love m-me?" he stuttered and you blushed furiously in embarrassment "A-a-a-am.... Y-y-yeah you s-s-see..." you began to try to form words but you couldn't. Suddenly, you felt lips on yours and you saw Sting kissing you. He parted away and grinned "I love you too" "I can't believe that" Rogue left eye twitched and he stood up, and walked away mumbling a few curses

~ Midnight~

      You and Midnight were sitting on a cliff, just watching the view, but in time to time you felt Midnight's gaze on you and when you were going to ask why he was looking at you he talked first "(Y/N)" you turned to look at him and you eyes widened when you met his lips. He pulled away and smirked when he saw you shocked face and you enormous blush "your mine now" you began to blush more and began to stutter "I-I-I-I d-d-d-didn't a-a-agree w-w-with tha--" he silenced you by kissing you again "I don't care. I love you. You're mine" you looked away and muttered a 'I love you too' and Midnight heard it clearly but wanted to tease you "ehhh? What did you say, (Y/N)-chan? I can't hear you?" you glared at him and he smirked "I SAID THAT I LOVE YOU TOO, JERK" you yelled and placed your hand on your mouth when you noticed. He pulled your hand away and pecked you lips "that's what I thought"

~ Zeref ~

     You were reading a book at your apartment when suddenly you heard a knock on you door and went to see who was it. You opened the door and saw a extremely nervous Zeref, you frowned "Zeref? What's wrong?" he looked everywhere but you and began to stutter "y-y-you s-see, (Y-Y/N)..." he tried to form
words but he couldn't so you grabbed his hand and he looked at you, you smiled warmly "c'mon, Zeref, you know you can tell me everything" he relaxed and gave your hand a squeeze "(Y-Y/N)... You were always kind with me, you were the first person to actually give me a chance, someone who saw behind the monster... I... I really love you..." he looked down and your eyes widened and you tackled him in a big hug and he jumped at the sudden contact "I love you too, Zeref" his eyes widened and he smiled warmly "good..." you pulled away from the hug and pressed your lips against his. He froze a bit but soon kissed back. He pulled away "thanks, (Y/N), really"

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