When you're on your period

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~ Natsu ~

Natsu's head quickly snapped to the guild doors, fear clearly showing in his face.
The poor salmon-headed wizard have been trying to avoid you through the whole day, he couldn't deal with your period mood.
"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT" you pointed your finger towards him, with determination in your voice.
"E-eh... I don't really think that's a good ide--" "BULLSHIT!" he squeaked as you interrupted him "YOU ARE JUST AFRAID TO LOSE!" you smirked and started to slowly walk towards him "Now... LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" you start to use your magic and Natsu tried his best to dodge it

~ Gray ~

"(Y/N), please...."
"Nope! You stay away from me! You're making me cold as fuck!"
You scooted away from Gray, hugging your blanket tighter around you.
"C'mon, stop that! How could I possibly make you that cold!?"
You looked at him with a 'are u serious' look and he looked away sighing
"I do hope this only lasts for more three days...."

~ Laxus ~

"What is it now, (Y/N)?" Laxus sighed and looked at you annoyed, that was the fifth time you called him in the last five minutes.
"Cuddle me"
His eyes narrowed "you know I have work to do, (Y/N). I'll give you attention when I finish this" he went back to whatever he was doing, making you pout and cross your arms over your chest
"Jesus christ..."

~ Lyon ~

"But why noooottt"
That was a fact, Lyon was always needy. He always wanted to cuddle, he was always hugging you... And you were okay with that. Well, at least when you weren't on your period.
"C'mon is just a cuddle! Why you gotta be so mean when you are on your period?" Lyon groaned and pouted.
You gave him a death glare, making him quickly get the message.
"Okay! Fine! When you are done being a meany don't come asking for hugs!" Lyon crossed his arms over his chest and went to the kitchen, making you sigh in peace

~ Rogue ~

Rainbows. That's what Rogue saw when he looked at you while you were on your period. Rainbows. You were never a super positive, happy, loli and etc person, you were always kind of dark like him... It just looked like you were someone else.
"Oh my god! That flower is so pretty!" you giggled as you grabbed a flower from the grass.
You dragged Rogue to the park with you because, apparently: "it was a beautiful day outside and you couldn't miss the chance to see the butterflies flying around and the shape of the clouds."
Rogue wasn't that big of a fan of the outside... Neither were you!
"(Y/N)... Can we just go home?" Rogue sighed tiredly as he put a hand on your shoulder.
You gave him your best puppy-eyes "but, batman, we just arrived! Can we stay just a little longer please?"
His eye twitched, but he couldn't resist your cuteness "ah... Fine..."
"Yay!" you jumped happily and kissed his cheek.

~ Sting ~

The devil. That's how Sting saw you when you were on your period. The fricking devil. You were seriously worst than Midnight!
"(Y-Y/N), sweet cheeks....?" Sting slowly opened your bedroom door, his hand trembling like crazy and his face pale as a ghost.
You turned your head to look at him, kind of like The Exorcist girl, and gave him a glare. He could see the fire in your eyes... Literally...
"A-am... I-I just wanted t-to asked y-you if you w-wanted to have d-dinner..." Sting closed the door a little to hide himself.
You gritted your teeth and started to throw stuff at him "IF I WAS HUNGRY I WOULD GET UP AND DRAG MY ASS TOWARDS THE KITCHEN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"
Sting cringed and quickly shut the door, and probably going out to have dinner...

~ Gajeel ~

'Ah... What do I do, what do I do..."
Gajeel was in complete panic as you cried your eyes out in front of him.
Gajeel was afraid to even touch since it looked like you would break at any minute.
"Shh, shh... C'mon, shortie, you know I love you"
"NO YOU DON'T! AND I'M NOT EVEN THAT SHORT!" you started to cry harder, hiding your face in the pillows.
Gajeel sweat-dropped and sighed, sitting next you and petting your head.
"It's okay... It's okay..."
"god, help me.."

~ Midnight ~

Midnight actually liked when you were on your period. He found amusing how irritated you could get with the smallest things. He always knew that you freaked out if someone disorganized your stuff. Everything had to be in the exact same place that you left it, or someone could die. And you would be even madder if you were on your period, which was a big bonus for Midnight.
While you were out at the grocery store, he sneaked inside your room and disorganized everything, especially the stuff that he knew you loved.
About twenty minutes later, you came back, left the grocery on the kitchen table, and went to your room to clean yourself up, but, when you entered your room, your breathe stopped, and you froze.
"W-what is t-that....?"
Midnight walked towards you and smirked "You liked the surprise, doll?"
You slowly turned towards him, your eye twitching in rage "I'll murder you..." you whispered trying to contain your anger
"Huh? What was that again, doll?" Midnight put a hand around his ear

~ Zeref ~

Zeref didn't exactly mind your period, you didn't give that much problem. You were just extra caring and needy, and didn't let him leave your side for five seconds, except for going to the bathroom, that was okay.
You guys would spend the whole day cuddling on the sofa while watching some chick-flick movies like titanic or whatever. You would cry your eyes out and Zeref would chuckled at how easily upset you would get.

~ Jellal ~

"(Y/N), come on, you can't just stay there for the whole day" Jellal put a hand on his hips.
"Yes I can" you mumbled with your head on your pillow. You've been lying like that for hours, with your lights off, and you wouldn't come out of your room for nothing.
Jellal sighed annoyed and pushed the covers off of your frame.
"I'm not gonna just leave you there to rot"
You looked at him, clearly angry, and threw a pillow on his face, making him chuckled and throw it back at you, tickling you, making you laugh as he picked you up bridal-style
"Come on, honey, let's make you something to eat" he kissed your cheek and took you to the kitchen.

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