Chapter 25

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Kenny's p.o.v

I finally found Lucy! I walked over to her and grabbed her arm so she wouldn't ran away again!

When I had her I called scooter

"I got her!"


"What's up?"

"We're at the hospital! Justin tried to kill himself!"

"No?! We'll be right there!"

"What's going on Kenny?"

"Your father s in the hospital!"

"No, no, no! This can't happened!"

"Calm down Lucy! It's gonna be okey. Just calm down!"


"Come on!"

We drove to the hospital and she was crying the whole way!

When we finally got there she just ran out of the car and in to the hospital!

Lucy's p.o.v

I ran in to the hospital with tears running down my checks!

I saw scooter and ran in his arms!

"Where is he? What happened? This is all my fault!"

"Sh, sh, sh! He's getting strapped up with wires and blood supply''

"Wh-why blood supply? What happened to him?!"

"He tried to kill himself.... Okey he grabbed a knife and cut deep, large cuts! He couldn't stand the pain anymore!"

"So it is my fault?"

"No Lucy it's-"

"You can come see mr. Bieber now"

We walked in and when I saw dad, how broken he was the world just collapsed around me. I fell right on my knees and cried my eyes out! Suddenly Scooter lifted me and sat me on the bed where he was laying!

I grabbed him and cried into his shoulder!

Justin's p.o.v

I didn't see a thing, everything was black! I suddenly heard some noise! I heard Lucy. She cried so much! I wanted so bad to open my eyes but there was something who wouldn't let me!

I felt someone grab around me and it was Lucy. She cried into my shoulder.

"Dad you can't leave me here! You can't! I need you! I'm sorry for what I said! You're my real father! I love you to much to loose you right now!"

Lucy's p.o.v

I finally calmed down. I was still laying in my dads bed but I didn't cry anymore! I held around him just feeling that he was here with me!

I slowly fell asleep. I dreamed about all of me and daddy's experiences

I felt the tears press and then they rolled down my checks.

I slept for a couple of hour until someone ran in! I sat quickly up and wiped my tears. It was mom!

"Mom!" I jumped out of the bed and hugged her! It's my fault!"

"No, no, sweetheart! But what happened?"

"We got on the bus and I started to work on some music then dad posted a picture of me working and I screamed and he got scared. He ran in to my room and I said I was fine then we talked a little bit then he went out to watch some tv. We took a stop to eat but I was really inspired at that point so I said I needed a minute and we got in to a fight and I accidentally said 'screw you you're not even my real father...' And scooter said he tried to kill himself because he couldn't stand the pain anymore! So it is my fault!"

"Oh sweety! It's not your fault!"

I went to bed again and hugged dad

"I'm so sorry daddy! Please don't leave me! I need you!"

Destiny, Hope and Drew came in to the room and saw me cry. I was always their brave big sister! When they saw how I cried in daddy's shoulder they were shocked!

"Lucy? Are you okey?" Hope asked me

"No, no I'm not okey! Dad is hurt and it'a my fault!"

"No it's not lucy! And he will wake up! I know it!" Drew said

I lifted them all up on the bed and we all laid there hugging daddy!

Mom came in and saw that I swear it looked like she was about to break down!

Me and my siblings don't get along most of the time so we don't usually sit like this.

I slowly drifted asleep


So I rewrote this chapter to make it a little more dramatic!

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