Chapter 1

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Emma's POV:

I got off the plan, got my suit cases. I was having a hard time with the two huge suit cases that I had brought with me, with just about every pice of clothing that I owned, because my mom didn't want me to live with her and her new husband so she sent me to my aunts in Londan. I was hoping things would be different here. No more batings from my step-dad

I tried my best to hied all the bruses.... I was waring my favorite shirt it was a little off my sholder and was a bright purple, I was waring my favorite skinny jeans and my new purple Nike high tops, my mom bought them for me cause she new I hated her cause she was sending me half way around the world to live with a aunt I hardley new. 

I walked out of the airport and was having a hard time with the two huge ass suitcase with all my clothes and shoes in them. I got right out side of the airport door and I dropped one of my suit cases and a lot of my cloths feel out; I heard this amazing Irish voive coming from behind me say "You look like you could  use some help there." I was thinking, why is there an Irish voice speaking to me when I was in Londan, not thinking of who it was. I turned around and there he was a guy I had seen many times before, on websites and many other things. He had amazing blonde hair that was showing just a little of his dark brown roots and it was spiked up just the right way, the most amazing blue eyes I have EVER seen, and he was waring white high tops, like I have seen him ware many times before, on stage, in music videos and so manymore places; and his shirt that sai "Free Hugs' Yes, I am talking about Niall Horan from One Direction. 

I was so shocked I could not say anything. I finally managed to say, "Umm, yeah thanks." I put my cloths back in the suit case and he grabbed both of them; we walked to over to the Starbucks that was just outside the airport, I said, "your Niall Horan.." my voice sort of traling off. He answered back "Yepp, the one and only" He smiled his amazing smile. "Would you like a drink from Starbuks?" "Yeah, I love Starbukcs!" we walked over and ordered our drinks and sat down at the closest table. Niall asked, "Do I get to know your name?" I looked at him and said, "OHH! I'm so sorry! I'm Emma Kate Roberson. You may Call me Emma, or Kate or EM! Most people just call me Em!" I smiled at him and looked down quickly. He said, "You have the most beautiful eyes." "Your one to talk I said" I relized I was blushing and looked down again. My phone rang just about that time, and it was my aunt. I answered it "Hey aunt Teta" I said "I'm so sorry sweetheart I have been so swamped at the ER today and I'm gonna have to work tonight as well. James won't be home for another week..." I frowned, " Its okay Aunt Teta.." I said "I'll just get a hotle." "Okay sweetheart, be safe." 

I hung up my iPhone 4 and I was just about to cry when Niall picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Hey, LIam." He said. "Is the other lads there?" He asked. "Yeah, is something wrong?" Liam asked a little worried. "NO, dad!" Niall said jokingly. "I, uhh met a friend at the air port and her aunt has to work all night and she won't be to come pick her up and I was wondering if she could stay with us for the night..?" Niall asked. "Hmm, as long as we don't scare her for life then its fine." I heard him say. "Alright! We will be there in a little bit! Bye!" 

He got up and grabbed my suitcase again. "Come on!" he said. "You get to meet the other guys!" "Umm, do I want to?" I asked smileing. He laughted, "That's the first time I have ever heard that one." "Hey, as many things I have heard about y'all, I know ya'll are just a little bit weird." He laughted "you heard right then"

He put my suitcase in the back of a black SUV he even opened the door for me to get in. We talked a little on the way to his house. "You don't even know me and are letting me stay at your house?" i asked, "I don't know you YET" he corrected me. We talked a little more and the we drove up in the  drive way. I was a little shocked. It was nothing fancy, nothing you think a superstar would be living in. He got out and opened my door as I was still looking on in shock. He started to get my suitcases out and I asked, "you live here?" not looking at him. "Why, is it not what you expected?" He asked. I shook my head still staring. Before I closed the car door I grabed my duffle bag that I used as my carry on and we walked to the door and he said, "Here we are."

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