New Life For All

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I flew through the trees, going faster than I thought was possible. All of my surroundings blurred together like a washed up painting. Fear engulfed all of my rational thoughts, making it extremely hard to concentrate.
The only thought that I could hear, maybe I shouldn't have made it angry. It was still chasing me through the woods, making a noise that would haunt even an adults nightmares. Following close behind me was this, and the crashing of the pine trees being destroyed in order to make way for the gargantuan beast.
    The cold midnight air rammed into my face even more as I picked up the speed. Moonlight and my nightvision was the only reason I didn't crash into a tree every second.
    I was approaching the speed of two hundred mile per hour when the creature finally caught up to me. Snatching my ankle out of the air, it slammed me to the ground with tons of force. I could feel my back and plenty of other bones break, but they healed just as soon as they did.
    Looking up from the hole that I was now lieing in on the ground, I saw one of the sets of red, angry eyes of Cerberus. He was growling at me, covering me in slobber and choking my nostrils with his noxious breath.
    Then he bit my suit, holding me up so I could see the other three heads he bared. His snake tail snapped in the air as if waiting for me to be brought in striking range. The other heads were now growling at me too, with one of them foaming at the mouth.
    Only being in one other situation similar to this, I was absolutely terrified. My breathing picked up and I felt as though I was going to have a panic attack.
    "N-nice doggy...I really didn't mean a-all that stuff I said about Hades, or your mom." I said as I tried thinking of a way to escape the canines grip.
    "If you didn't mean it, then why. Did. YOU. SAY IT!!" Cerberus said through one of his other heads.
    "I-I was just trying to rescue some souls that don't belong there! It's not my fault you wouldn't let me into hell!" I replied with my courage growing as a plan formulated in my head.
    "My only job is to make sure no one without authority gets in or out of hell, and you Alcor, are definetly not aloud in." he said, and followed it by a snarl from his other dog head. "and I'm also not to happy you made me chase you into the surface, as you know it's not my kind of environment."
    "C'mon, can't we just be friends! I know creatures of hell can become friends with other things, like your daughter Ms. O' Leary. She is friends with that Cyclops and son of Poseidon, right?"
    With that statement he dropped me to the ground and put his gigantic paw on me. "She is a disappointment to me! She is a traitor, and a really bad example for other hellhounds. Plus, she actually prefers to be on the surface rather than her home. That's outrageous!" Cerberus said through his middle head, which was the biggest.
    What he didn't realize is he made a huge mistake putting me on the ground. "Well, this has been a lovely chat, but I'm afraid I have business elsewhere." After I said that, I disappeared through the ground, with Cerberus barking, hissing, and snarling in outrage.
    The only reason I hadn't done that before was because his teeth weren't letting me for some reason. He must brush his teeth with "anti-teleportation" toothpaste. That's saying he brushes at all, which is very unlikely by his deathly dog breath.
    I apeared back in my living room, with the soft crackle of the fire slowly relaxing my nerves. I was lieing face up on my black shag carpeting, staring up at the ceiling.
    Well, I shouldn't say ceiling exactly, but I was staring at where the ceiling would be. Instead of a ceiling I looked up at the Andromeda galaxy and all of its beauty.
    Then I sat up and looked for any trace that Cerberus could have followed me. Everything seemed to be in place. The stone fireplace was still standing in the middle of the wall, with some of my belongings on the shelf above it. My dragon scale lazy boy recliner was beside me, it's golden scales shinning in the firelight. Next to it was my tiger pelt couch, with unicorn hair pillows in the corners of it. The light blue wallpaper didn't have any scorch marks on it either, and all of my fear drifted away.
    Sitting up, I lightly fluttered my wings to make sure they weren't damaged. They were sore, that's for sure, but luckily they seemed okay. I snapped my fingers and changed into a fresh suit that didn't have any dog slobber on it, as that's not preferably the best fashion choice.
    Then I climbed onto my tiger couch, still staring at the galaxy. I placed a unicorn pillow under my head and adjusted myself so the tail to my suit and wings were in a comfortable position.
    The universe had always intrigued me since I was young. I could never process that it was infinite. That concept could never be conceived in my mind. Not only that, it was just plain beautiful. All of the stars joining together to make intricate designs and colors that you can't replicate. It's all so perfect.
    After a while, I found myself falling asleep. Welcoming it, I entered my dream, which I know wasn't just a dream.

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