Chapter 22

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Isabelle’s P.O.V.

It was starting to get dark and with it being winter that meant we had only really been moving for about half an hour. I would guess the time to be around ten to five. We had been on the move constantly, sometimes running full pelt others walking leisurely and we are still to leave this flipping wood. For those people who have never travelled by wolf, and I imagine there are quite a few who haven’t, it is an amazing experience; the wind in your hair, the ground being quickly eaten away by four massive paws and the safety you feel is just amazing.

I’m still riding on Dylan’s back, I had asked him a few times after we had been running for long periods if he wanted a break and said I’d ride on someone else for a while but he just growled and shook his big head, so I stayed put, honestly, I didn’t want to swap wolves I was more than happy travelling with Dylan, and each time I asked I would hold my breath and hope he’d say no.

The silence is deafening. I have no one to talk to and it’s driving me insane, whilst they can all speak to each other, for the duration of this task they have pledged allegiance to Drake who is acting as Alpha meaning they can all talk to each other through a mind link, which leaves me totally out of the loop. Every now and then one of them would chuckle or growl and my curiosity would burn inside me with the need to know what they were talking about. 

The fact that it was getting dark worried me, I don’t know how far we are of the campsite but if it takes us any longer I’d have problems with my tent, even with my eyesight.

Ten minuets later and my bum was going numb. I wriggle around a bit to try and get the feeling back and to get comfortable. A strange noise comes from Dylan below me and the rest of the pack are obviously laughing. He stops suddenly and waits for them to pad off further into the trees and out of sight.

“Dylan what are you doing?” I don’t get a reply but I feel things moving underneath his fur and in fright I fling myself to the ground and fall flat on my face. When I look up again Dylan’s face is once again his own and he is on all fours leaning over me, totally naked. “What was that for, a little warning would be nice. If you wanted me to get off you could have just said.”

“Isabelle do you have any idea what you were doing?” He asks seriously.

“Erm, riding on your back?” I answer stupidly, I have no idea what he’s referring too.

“You weren’t meant to do it literally.” He says exasperated.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You, wiggling your bum up and down my back! I’m meant to be concentrating on the task at hand, but with you doing that it’s completely distracting. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy it, but the others were starting to pick up on my… feelings and it was getting awkward.”

“I’m… sorry.” I say trying hard to hide my laughter.

“You will be!” He says with an evil glint to his eye. “Now throw me a pair of trousers, we’re near the first camping location and I think I’m going to make you walk the rest of the way.” The reminder that he was in fact naked and also on top of me has me blushing and quickly reaching for my bag.

“I knew I should have swapped wolves.” I sigh, trying to act indifferent to the fact his body is so close to mine. Standing up and turning away so he can have his privacy I continue. “Tomorrow I’m going to try out a different wolf and ride him till he can no longer place one paw in front of the other.” I say winking over my shoulder to add to the overall effect. He growls and pins me quickly but at the same time softly against a tree, he has an arm on either side of me blocking my movements and I have my hands pressed onto his bare chest.

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