Chapter 2

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The car trip to the airport was long and cold. Mulder had his sunflower seeds his lap. He seemed so concentrated when he drived. "So." I manage to say, trying to break the silence. "Tell me about yourself. I really don't know much about you." The rain started to make little drops all around the car. "Well, there's a lot I guess." He stared at the road ahead of us. "What do you want to know?" I played with a loose button on my jacket, trying to think of something I wanted to know. "Uh... well, where did you go to college?" He chuckled " Oxford University, I graduated with a masters in psychology." I nodded my head. "I went for psychology but instead, I got my criminal justice degree." Mulder turned to look at me, and looked back at the road. "What else you wanna know? I'm kind of interesting, I guess." I thought a little more. "Tell me about your family?" He sighed. "Well... I have you know, a mother and a father. I also had a sister..." He paused, "Anyway, my relationship with my father isn't the best. But my mother and I are very close." I turned my head slightly. "Had?" Mulder glanced at me. "It's not important. I'll tell you some other time." "Okay." I said, with a little curiosity. We finally pulled into the airport and stopped. Mulder turned off the car. "Ready?" I grabbed my bag from off the floor. "You got it."


We sat in our airplane seats, I sat on the inside, he sat on the outside. There were only a few people on the quiet little plane. When we took off, it was 1:30am. Mulder was tired from the drive, so he fell asleep quickly at around 2:00 am. I thought about what I left behind back in New York. I missed my dad and my brother. I glanced over at Mulder. I noticed he was starting to fall in the aisle. He jerked back up every once and and a while. He opened his eyes sleepily and turned to look at me. I pulled his pillow from under his neck and put it on my shoulder. Mulder closed his eyes, smiled and laid his head on me. I smiled and looked back out the window. He was warm, and he was silent. I thought he snored, but apparently I was wrong. I thought about how handsome I noticed he was the other day, but I know that I need to keep this professional. I went to rest my head on his, but I stopped and rest my head on the window. The plane was completely silent, except for the hum of the engine. It made me think of the warm hum of my father's car. We'd go everywhere together, the store, the park and the library. I missed it when I moved away. All I wanted to do was just focus on this case, and not think about anything else. Just, the X-Files.


So hey guys! I think this is going well so far..... I really don't have any more to say lol bye guys! ~Michele~

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