An Amusing Car Ride

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    **Spencer's POV**

     "Hey Spence, wanna go get something to eat somewhere?" Toby asked me, smiling.

     "I'd love too..but is it okay if Megan comes with...I don't want to lea-" Before I could finish, Toby interrupted me, still smiling.

     "Of course Spence. I understand what's going on, and I was going to suggest she goes with us anyways." I smiled, and responded with a quick okay, and I walked upstairs to get Megan. I knew in my mind that this was going to be awkward. Really awkward. You know, it's normal to take your dead best friend's cousin on a date with you and your boyfriend. 

     I tried my best to block out the thoughts of how this was going to be awkward, and how it was going to suck. Really bad. I love being alone with Toby, but I can't leave her here, like I told Toby, if something happens to that little girl, it'll haunt me forever.

     I used my knuckle, and gently knocked on the door. Within three seconds of me knocking, I heard her tell me to come in.

     "Hey Megan, wanna go to the Applewood Grille with Toby and I?"

     "I'd love too! Where's it at?" She asked smiling. 

     "Just down the road," I said to her, "It's within walking distance, but because we're feeling lazy, we're gonna drive, just come downstairs when you're ready." She laughed, and I walked back downstairs with Toby to leave her to get ready to go.

     About five minutes later, Megan was skipping downstairs, ready to go.

     "You wanna drive Toby?" I asked him. He nodded and said sure, as I followed him to the car, with Megan behind me. We all piled in the car, and with about two minutes of silence, Megan was the first to speak.

     "Can I play some music?" She asked us. 

     Toby smiled, and said, "I don't see why not." I was not even close to prepared for what was about to happen. Megan started playing, 'Thrift Shop', from her phone, and oh my God I was dead. This little girl knew ever word. Even the rap. 

     "Spencer! Sing along!" She said to me, while laughing. I honestly didn't know what to do, and we were all dying of laughter. I just thought, 'what the hell!' and sang with her. Before long, we had Toby joining in too. Honestly, this was probably one of the most fun car rides I have ever been in. We were just acting crazy, insane, and drunk, like we should. We shouldn't be worried about A, or murder, but look at this. We are, and we can't change it.

     By far, the best part of this, was when we got to stop lights. This elderly couple beside was giving us the most awkward glare, I think she thought we were all drunk, but sometimes, I questioned myself.

     Eventually, we pulled up to the restaurant, and the song ended, and we were still laughing. We just casually got out of the car, and just walked into the restaurant, trying to calm down from the interesting car ride we just endured.

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