Quite a Friendly Interrogation

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    **Spencer's POV**

     "Okay Megan, you are honestly scaring me right now. We haven't known each other, but like, fourty five minutes, and you're already starting to play James Bond." I exclaimed at Megan with expression.
     "I know what i'm doing Spencer, what I know, could just help us figure all this out...I just need you to help me wi-" Before she could finish, I interrupted her.
     "Okay, listen Megan. I totally understand you wanting to try to find your cousin's killer, but this is a dangerous game you're playing. You're about to try to fight fire, with fire. This isn't just an investigation, and that killer, that killed Alison, may've killed more than one person." This child is obviously on drugs. She can't expect me to help her in a murder investigation. I know when I tried to take that route, it just made my life a living nightmare.
     "CAN YOU JUST LET ME FINISH!?" Megan yelled at me.
     "God, fine. Go ahead with whatever," I said to Megan, honestly kind of pissed that I just got yelled at by a fourteen year old.
     "Whoever killed Alison..." As Megan said Alison, she immediately looked down at her lap, "I think is after me too.
     "Hold the fuuhhh-" At least I managed to catch myself before I dropped a major F-Bomb on a girl i just met... "how do you know this?"
     "I'm not for sure, but there is one thing that IS for sure. I'm being fucking stalked." When Megan said that, I think I about spilled my drink all over me. Not if it's what she said, or if I think she might just share the same stalker as me. "I don't know who this person is, but they know everything about me, my secrets, what I've done, you name it. And Spencer, the reason I wanted to question you, was because I'm trying to figure out what this person wants from me. Do I have something of Alison's that they want?" She asked with deep concern.
     "Listen Megan, as this goes on, you're going to think that, that bitch, has super powers. A knows things that even I'm not even sure if I know that well myself." I reassured her.
     "How do you know who my stalker is Spencer...?" She asked with a tinge of slight concern in her voice as I looked her in the eye.
     "Because Megan, we share a stalker. Let me tell you this. We aren't playing Candy Land, Megan. Whoever this is, wants something, and will go to whatever extreme to get it." I said to her, making sure I sounded serious enough for her to believe me.
     Megan looked me in the eye, and I could tell she wasn't kidding. She wasn't just putting this off. She was genuinely scared for her life. "They keep saying I have something they want, I don't even get what they might even want from me! All I have of Alison's is some old trophies, notebooks, pictures, and her diary." When she said diary, i'm pretty sure I slammed on the brakes so far I might've damaged the car.
     "Megan! It's the diary they want!" I said, with my voice raised.
     What? Why would they want the diary?" She asked with a curious voice.
I let my voice smooth over, and I said to her, as calm as I could "That diary contains things nobody should know. Things that if somebody knows, it could be it for me. For Aria. For Hanna. For Emily. Maybe even for you, i've never read the diary." She looked at me, with fear in her eyes, I knew that she needed me. She needed my friends. She needed someone who could understand what she was going through, and could help her. Honestly, i'm ready to help her through every bit of this.


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