20|Airplanes and Arrangements

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I struggle for words. "What....?"

Miles laughs. "It's OK, Micah." He wraps his arm around me in an attempt at comfort. "You're just going to be staying with me for a while."

My mind races. This means I will get be away from my mom, which is good. But I might not be able to see Nick or Norman. I also need to see Lizzie and the other girls I had met at the pancake parlor a week ago. I bet they are wondering what happened to me.

"So, will I..." I stammer. This is all too much information to receive in one moment.

Miles chuckles again, the same laugh he has always done. "Don't you worry, Micah-girl."

I smile up at him.

An hour later, at about noon, Nick calls me. I am sprawled out on the leather couch, analyzing Miles' small apartment when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I'm not sure why I had it on silent - it was probably set like that when I was at my mom's interview - but I grab it out immediately and tap the green button.

"Micah! Where are you?!" Nick's usually-calm voice sounds worried.

I sigh. "It's a long story, Nick," I reply.

"I've got time."

"Well," I begin. "Yesterday, I was invited to go with my father - "

"Father?" Nick cuts in.

"Hmmm." I realize I haven't told him as much as I should have. I decide to do a quick summary. "His name is Miles Lachowski and a week or so ago, he showed up at my house. Then mom freaked out because he didn't take care of me at all."


"Anyway," I continue. "I went with him to a studio-interview for my mom with Chase Vanderyacht from The Everyday Show. And things got a little crazy. Long story short, my mom was drunk and she admitted to having an affair with Alex."

There is nothing but silence from Nick for a few seconds. "What?!"

I sigh.

"How is that even possible?! Why would she do that?! What the - "

"Nick, it's okay," I stop him from going overboard about my problems. "But now I'm at my dad's apartment."

I can hear Nick taking a deep breath in on the other end. "Well, then."

"Not sure how to reply?" I ask.

"Well, it's not everyday that your girlfriend tells you she has a dad and that her mom is a complete jerk."

I stifle a laugh. I guess that's true. This must be pretty overwhelming for him.

"I have to go, my mom's shouting for me," Nick says abruptly.

"Kay, bye."

He hangs up.

I set down my phone, stretching out on the black leather sofa. It already seems comfy, like I've sat on it everyday for years. In fact, the whole apartment seems like home, even though mine is a few miles away in a freaky-expensive neighborhood. I could get used to this.

Suddenly, an idea occurs to me. Now that I am in Downtown LA, I am much nearer to the Pancake Parlor, where I had met the girls a few weeks ago.

I stand up quickly, shouting to Miles that I'm going out. Then I swing open the door and take off down the hallway to the building's elevator. Miles' apartment is on the third floor, so it takes me no time to get to the grand lobby. I push through the double doors out onto the busy street.

I pause for a second.

There are dozens of fancy cars rushing past me as I stand at the crosswalk. I realize that things were much quieter and mellow where my mom lives. This will take some getting used to.

I take a deep breath, then, as the light turns red, walk across the street, cars on either side. I stop at the other side and pull out my phone. I go to Yelp and search up the Pancake Parlor. To my delight, the red pin appears just four blocks away from me.

I continue down the street, taking note of the buildings around me. Most of them are office buildings, but there is the occasional restaurant or bar. I recognize the Panini - where Nick and I had went for our first date - and smile. Maybe we can go there again sometime.

After a few minutes, I finally come to the Pancake Parlor. It had looked a lot different at 10:00 at night then now, which is just before noon. I slowly push open the door, walking onto the tiled floor. My eyes scan the room, but I do not see the girls anywhere.

I sigh. Making my way to the clerk, I order a stack of four pancakes, with maple syrup and chocolate chips. I sit down at the counter next to a pampered-up woman with curly bleached hair. She appears to be entranced by the colorful menu up on the wall.

The door bangs open and I hear girlish voices. I turn around quickly to see the same four girls I had met before. One of them - the one named Lizzie - immediately recognizes me. She grabs Eden, the dark-haired one, and points me out. I smile back.

"Come sit with us!" Lizzie invites.

I stand up and move to the booth that appears to be their regular spot. As soon as I take my seat next Lizzie, she pats me on the back.

"I'm so glad you came back! We thought your had forgotten us."

I smile. "Things have been busy lately, with my mom and such." That seems like a reasonable excuse.

"Well, we're just glad you're back," Lizzie says. "Do your remember Eden, Stella and Alta?" She gestures towards the girls on the other side.

"Hi," they reply in unison.

I nod, waving at the girls.

Stella, the youngest girl, with blonde wavy hair and red eyeshadow, says, "What have you been up to lately?"

I shrug. "Nothing much. I temporarily moved in with my dad.....I guess."

"Is that a good going or a bad thing?" Eden asks.

I laugh. "Good, I guess. It's better than living with my mom."

"So, I saw the video of your mother. That was embarresing.." Alta trailed off.
"It was but what can I do. I can't live with the shame. I can't face my mom but I don't want to be stuck my fathers apartment for the rest of my life. What can I do?"

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