Back in a Jif

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It's been almost a week  and so far I've been letting Bette steal all the attention. She's absolutely crazy about him. She asks me every morning how sleeping next to him is like and wonders if I could trade but Dot shuts her up. I don't want to stay here. I feel like I'm trapped even though I get everything I want. I miss the rambunctiousness of the camp. Everything here is too pristine and clingy. Dandy never leaves our side. Even if I tried to go back, I'd get caught and who knows what that's like. Dot tried to convince them to let us go back for personal items and they said they would just buy new things and we never have to go back. And every night Dandy keeps me so close to him I feel suffocated. Even when he's snoring sound asleep and I try to move it doesn't work. But even yesterday Dot started to lighten her feelings for him

Me Dot and Bette play Yahtzee while Dandy read the paper. I'm in blue sundress with a matching bow in my hair and I feel ridiculous. Like a doll.

"Here's something that might be of interest. They performed the first surgery separating Siamese twins."

"What does it say?" Dot asks. Her head perking up.

"15 month old Brodie twins are in separate cots for the first time in their lives. A 12 hour and 40 minute operation separated the blood vessels and tissues that joined them." He smiles and continues to read in silence. For the first time since we got here Dot has smiled at him.

I lay in bed reading one of his books when Dandy comes out of his closet dressed in a casual suit. And when I mean casual I mean casual to him. And this book is the most boring thing I have ever read. It's a book on manners. For children.

"Is there anything else you need? I'm getting brushes, barrettes, headbands, mirrors, you need a new dress or shoes?" I shake my head.

"I don't need anymore clothes thank you though. But a copy of Lord of the Flies would be nice. Please?" He smiles.

"For you, anything." He walks over to my side and kisses my forehead. This entire time I've been here he has yet to kiss me and I've been perfectly okay with it. He is a gentleman in his own way, but I'm still very uncomfortable. I give him a small smile.

"Be back in a jif." He smiles proudly almost and walks out shutting the door. I'm not sure how much I can bear this place any longer. I mean I want to get out. Not like they wouldn't know where to find me. 

I continue reading this book for another half hour until I can't even look at it anymore. I found myself flipping back and forth trying to realize why someone would actually buy this piece of garbage. I find my way to Dot and Bette.

"Hey guys?" They are closing their journals and Bette smiles. "Do you guys think the others miss us?"

"What do you mean? I'm sure they do." Bette says.

"Yes but don't you think they're mad at us for leaving? That they're mad at Elsa for selling us?"

"Well I'm sure Jimmy doesn't miss you that much. If that's what you're worried about." I glare at Dot.

"You know Dot with your new sudden liking to Dandy, I'd be happy to trade sleeping arrangements with you. Bette you wouldn't mind would you?"

She gleams. "Oh not at all! I would lov-"

"Hush your mouth!" Dot snaps. "Nobody is trading places. I would be certain of that."

"Certain of what?" Dandy asks walking in with a bag full of stuff.

"Just that we make sure to thank you for going shopping." He smiles and dumps the stuff on the table along with the the paper.

"Three of everything." He kisses the sides of all of our heads and I groan internally. I need to get out. I grab my book from the pile and try to escape into the sea of words. I sit on the other couch across from the twins.

"Oh Dandy it's the perfect shade." Bette smiles. "Thank you."

"Yes thank you Dandy for the book. It's my favorite."

"Of course. Anything for my girls." Dot goes on to read about one of the Brodie twins that didn't survive which leads to a small argument between her and Bette which I am not interested in.

I start to get up to read in my room when Dandy stops me.

"No stay. We are all going to exchange secrets. Sit." He pats beside him and I do as I'm told. He puts his hand on my thigh casually. I don't budge but I want to cut off that hand.

"You know that killer that was on the loose. The murders, the kidnapped children, I was there. I killed the clown. I saved the children."

"No." Dot says. He's lying.

"The girl too."

"No Jimmy would never lie about that." I speak up.

"You're a true hero." Bette says naively.

"Lobster boy was unconscious. Ask him yourself. Now I told you a secret. Now tell me yours." He tells Dot.


"What do you mean, no?" He asks almost astonished.


"We had a deal. Tell me your secret. Now." He says getting angry. Dot shakes her head. He grips my thigh tighter. "You're making me angry Dot."

"What's the matter with you?" Bette asks her.

"He lied about Jimmy." She's right.

"I did not." He gets up waving his arm hitting me straight in the face on accident. "I did not you bitch!" He starts throwing things and I clutch my bleeding lip. "I don't like this game anymore! You're not playing by the rules!"

He stomps out in a huff totally ignoring the fact that he nailed me in the face. I cup my lip and get up.

"Why would he lie?" I ask.

"I don't know. For his own sick pleasure. I can't stand being here another second." Dot frowns.

"You girls are so ungrateful!"

"Bette as much as I hate to agree with Dot, this guy is not all peaches and cream. You can't be so blind." Gloria walks in.

"Girls, I'm serving tea in the garden and the I thought you could take a conventional walk of them after." She smiles. We all nod and get up.

"Oh my what happened to your face dear?"

"Your son happened." Dot answers.

Gloria sighs. "Oh Dandy has always been quite clumsy. I'll have an ice pack brought out to the garden. Come now."

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