Little Angel

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I'm honestly not sure if this lady is trying to help me or help herself, but whatever the reason I'm just praying that these people aren't cruel or crazy. That's all I can hope for as I get closer and closer to the big tent. What if they don't like me? What if I'm too weird? Or not weird enough? I mean this could be a place where I could fit in because who knows I might not be the strangest one here. 

I take a deep breath as I pull back the curtain only to run into an obviously angered man.

"Watch where you're going!" He yells walking straight past me.

"Geez chill out." I hear his feet stop. Aw hell. He grabs my shoulder to turn me around.

"Don't ever tal-" he stops.

"Look I'm sorry but you ran into me."

"I highly doubt it but I shall apologize. You're quite beautiful." He says looking over my face. How sweet and kind of awkward.

"Oh thank you. I'm Hailey."

"Dandy. Would you like to come to my house?" I sort of laugh.

"Real straightforward aren't ya? Um I don't think so. I'm sure they're going to put me to work soon so I should go."

"Wait you're part of the freaks? They reject me but put in some ordinary Sally?" His face getting red. Well I'll take it he is easily angered.

"Whoa whoa calm down. Do yourself a favor and get out of the heat." I say starting to turn around. He grabs me again.

"Wait I-"

"Is there a problem?" I hear that familiar accent as Elsa walks out of the tent. Dandy lets go and straightens out his jacket.

"No." He says through his teeth. He storms off in a huff and I turn to her.

"Who was that?"

She shrugs. "Some nut who cares? Now come Angel." She says using my new name. She leads me inside and my stomach turns. Oh dear just don't throw up Hailey. Don't do it. I stare at the ground until we stop walking. There's chatter but I don't look up.
She claps her hands.

"Everyone I'd like to introduce you to our newest act. This our little angel, Hailey." I look up from my feet slowly and face my new coworkers. Wow. They're incredible. People with tattoos all over their bodies, a woman about 7-8 feet tall, a girl not over 2 feet, and even a girl with two heads. And so many more. They all stare at me almost in confusion.

"So what is it ya do?" The man with the short arms and tattoos asks.

"I-uh," I stutter. Wow nice going. Great first impression.

"Don't be shy angel. You are home here. Do you mind if I?" Elsa asks. 

Not having the courage to even move, I slowly nod my head. 

She unbuttons my dress and I'm embarrassed. I cover my breasts with one hand as she pulls my dress off my arms so it hangs on my hips exposing my harness. I hear snickers as my face is probably a tomato. She fiddles with the buckles and I look up at the group. There's one standing in the back. So beautiful. His features angelic. He leans up against a post, his arms crossed and a kind smile on his face. He gives me a wink and I look at the ground with a smile. I feel the buckles unclasp and the harness falls to the floor. I take a deep breath in and extend my wings slowly. One by one the gasps arise and as I look up at them their looks of confusion and befuddlement turn to faces of awe and smiles. A smile creeps on my own. The group starts to clap and I chuckle.

"That's amazing!" One of the heads says.

"Wow. You guys are the first to actually see this without a look of disgust or fear on your face." They all step forward to touch and feel and I let them.

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