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"Straight out of the jungle..." I wait behind the curtain in my starting position leaning against the wall. My wings covering my body. I'm shaking. What if they hate it? What if they're so afraid of me they leave? What if I do so terribly they all demand refunds? Else will surely kick me out then. All these what ifs going through my brain. My hands trembling. I take a deep breath. Everyone is in position.

"From the exotic lands of Siam and from the very clouds of heaven, The Spectacular Siamese Sisters and our very own Fallen Angel!" The music starts and Dot starts to sing as the curtains open up to reveal us all like fish in an aquarium.

The music hits me like lightening. All of the gasps push me further and further into the music. I can't see anyone. The lights too bright and the movement too quick. When I stop for a moment on my knees at the front of the stage I can see the men of the audience crowding at the front of the stage. They blow kisses and reach out with vulgar movements. I strut back to my beginning position and slide down the wall slowly. As the music stops they cheer loudly and I blow a few kisses to add to the mood. The curtain closes and I take a deep breath. I exit the stage and the audience is still heard cheering.

I lean against a wall backstage and intertwine my hands over my head. Holy shit. I'm sweating but exhilarated. It actually went so well. I watch as Dot and Bette walk off towards me.

"You guys did really well. Bette you added really good back up vocals." I reassure her. She smiles widely.

"Why thank you! You did really well. Those men were all over you." Bette says

"All over us." I correct. They Both smile. "Did you see Jimmy by chance during?"

Dot nods. "Yes. He was standing towards the side but he left towards the end of it. He looked very handsome." Dot smiles to herself. Oh...

"Do you know where he went perchance?" She shakes her head. "Okay well I'm gonna go to my trailer. Great jobs guys really."

I head over to my trailer as the show continues inside. I open my door and close it behind me tucking my wings in slightly to not knock things over. I lean up against my counter and smile to myself. I did it. I was as nervous as a rabbit during hunting season, but I did it. And they liked me. The audience really liked me. Next time will probably be even better. My nerves will be gone and I'll be more pumped up for it. And as much as Dot did not want to do this, you could tell she enjoyed the attention. Poor Bette though. She tries so hard.

I take my hair out of its bun. Ma Petite did my makeup as well and by George she did a really spectacular job. I kind of don't want to wash it off. Maybe I'll leave it on for a while.

There a knock on my door. "Come in." I say taking the remaining pins out of my hair. The door opens.

"You were amazing." I smile at the voice.

"You think so?" I turn around and he leans against the door frame. His face is still partly bruised and cut but it looks like it's healing fairly quickly.

"Definitely. You brought the house down."

"I thought we were just the warm up act?" He steps closer as I continue to remove the 764 pins from my hair.

"Well between you and me I think you guys were the main act. I mean people don't normally crowd the stage for Elsa." He smiles and puts his arms around me pulling me close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Where did you go? Towards the end."

"I just had to take care of something. No big deal."

"Was it about Dell?"

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