Chapter Three-Mist Gate and the House of Skulls-London-1713

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By 1713, Abraham Carnavan was banished by Lord  Wesley Carnavan in 1705, for, quote, "Building a House of Skulls that wasn't part of the family", unquote.

     "But we must inspire greatness", Abraham Carnavan said, "...That is my inspiration. To live a life of niceness is not in my blood; to live a life of evil, is to live a life of the Undead. Yes, I am a Vampire. A man came to me last night. He said: 'Invite me in to your House of Skulls, and drink thy blood from thy neck!', and I opened the cold, freezing window in my chambers", he said.

      "I can't have a Vampire cousin ruin our name...Begone!", Lord Wesley Carnavan ordered. "Very well!", exclaimed Abraham Carnavan, and he strode out of Mist Gate Castle, and never returned.


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