Chapter One: Primrose

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Winter crystals fell as did my sister down the porch steps of our shack. I pretend to not notice every time she leaves, but I know where she's going. She's going to the forest to hunt with Gale. Pulling on the gloves Dad had left me and small galloshers, I slowly sneak out of the house and creep behind the Hob where the 'electric' fence hides. Pulling my twelve year old body up and over the fence, I fall down in the white snow. I look up at the faint footprints, no doubt Katniss', and follow them to behind a shrub where she hides across from.

I watch her take a stance, inhale, drawing her string back, and then releasing, killing a bunny straight through it's eyes. I cringe at this a little. I really wish Katniss wouldn't be so secretive about all of this... She never tells me anything. Maybe handling a bow will be useful someday? I may be a little girl, but I have to stand on my own, as do all District-twelve twelve year olds.

I scurry over to where Katniss was a few moments back. Just as a shark keeps moving forward so does Katniss to stay safe. I've learned this after a while. She doesn't know it, but I have been watching her. I think she would be proud by what I know based on her conversations with Gale. I know what berries to watch out for-like Nightlock. The berry was similar to Hemlock, but the government enhanced it. I remember that blackberries are very wild and grow freely through many areas.

I search a familiar tree, dusting off a layer of snow. I look at the crimson smudge and smile at the familiarity. Pulling on the lowest branch, I slowly climb the tree, foot by foot. I peek behind the main bark and dead branches as the cloudy sky lingers over the seemingly happy set up for the reaping in town. I watch as Mrs. Trinkett pulls her chair up to the stage and talks to peacekeepers-I'm sure about the lighting.

Oh? What's the reaping you ask? It's the day twenty four people-two from each district- are chosen to 'participate' in the Hunger Games.

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