Chapter 11

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(A/N: This chapter takes place two years after the babies are born and Edward and Bella are 20 and married at this point.) 


As Brooke walked in with her favorite stuffed animal, I looked up from what I was typing.

"Mommy." she whispered. 

"Come here Brooke." I told her.

She ran to me and I picked her up putting her on the bed with me. She giggled and I kissed her forehead. Edward and Matt were at a baseball game with Emmett and Jasper.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked. 

"I had a bad dream again." she replied. 

"What was it about?" I asked. 

"A dark place. You were gone and so was daddy and Matt." she replied.

She started crying and I held her closer. I kissed her forehead and she still kept crying. I didn't know what to do with my baby girl. Edward knew how to handle stuff like this. I picked up my cell phone and texted Edward.

Hey babe. Brooke had a bad dream. Text me back. Love you! -Bella

I set my phone down then it rang. I saw that it was Edward calling me so I answered it.

"Hey." I said. 

"Hand Brooke the phone." Edward said.

I did as he said and Brooke actually cheered up while talking to him. I rolled my eyes. The things Edward told our children made me wonder. She gave the phone back to me.

"What time will you be home?" I asked. 

"Soon. The game just got over. Matt loved it." he replied. 

"Good. See you soon." I said. 

"Love you." he said. 

"Love you too." I said.

After I set it down, I layed down with Brooke and we took a nap


I felt someone kiss my forehead and I opened my eyes. It was Edward and Matt was asleep next to Brooke. I got up, careful not to wake them up. I picked her up and Edward picked up Matt. We carried them to their rooms and they slept peacefully. We then went downstairs to the kitchen and I got some water. I looked down at my wedding ring and smiled.

"I'll never get used to looking at this." I said. 

"My parents never got used to theirs." he said. 

"Well, they also got a divorce in 8th grade." I reminded him. 

"Ugh! Don't remind me." he said.

I giggled. His mother had cheated on his father and it was horrible. She cheated on him with Aro Volturi, Alec and Jane's uncle. Elizabeth got pregnant with his oldest son Demetri before she had Edward. So, Edward has some half siblings now. Aro took care of Demetri though. Then five years later, out popped Edward. Elizabeth was pregnant again when we were in 8th grade, but with her youngest child Felix. She played it off as James' child for about a month. Soon, James' best friend Victoria found Elizabeth and Aro hooking up at the bar all the time.

"How are your half siblings doing?" I asked. 

"Demetri got someone pregnant and Felix is in high school." he replied. 

"Wow. What about your mom? Have you talked to her?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Her and Aro are on a buisness trip and Felix is staying with Demetri." he replied.

My cell phone rang and it was Elizabeth.

"Speaking of your mother, she's calling me." I said.

I hit talk and answered it.

"Hello Elizabeth. How may I help you this fine evening." I said. 

"Oh cut the crap Isabella." she said. 

"What do you need?" I asked. 

"Well, Aro and I are coming to visit and I want to see my grand babies." she replied. 

"Well, we aren't in town right now. We're actually in Flordia visiting my parents." I said. 

"Oh. Well when will you be back?" she asked. 

"What do you really need Elizabeth?" I asked. 

"You are smart Isabella." she replied. 

"I go by Bella, not Isabella." I said. 

"Yeah, yeah. Now shut up you little bitch." she said.

With that, I hung up the phone and Edward stared at me. I walked over and kissed him. We then walked back upstairs. I looked at the clock and both of us yawned at the same time. I got my pajamas on and so did he and we went to bed.


I will update as soon as possible guys.

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