Chapter 7

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I woke up to some texts. A few were from Alice and a few were from Edward. I read each text carefully.

Bells! Shopping for prom today! -Alice 

Bella Swan's Wake up! -Alice 

Isabella Marie Swan! Answer your freaking phone! -Alice 

I swear, if you don't answer your phone soon, I will come over in twenty minutes and wake your ass up! -Alice 

Bella! Please wake up! -Alice

I rolled my eyes and decided to text Alice back first. Alice was a handful. Plus, if I didn't reply to her, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

Alice, I'm up! Its a Saturday and it 8 am. Go back to sleep. She you at the mall at 1 pm. -Bella

I then read Edward's texts.

Hey babe. I miss you. Sorry I'm out of town for the weekend. I have to visit me dad. I love you! -Edward

I smiled and replied to his text.

Hey. I miss you too. I'll. see you when you get home. Love you. -Bella

I put my phone down, and not even ten seconds later, Alice texted me again.

Get your ass ready! We're going shopping at 10 am! -Alice 

Alice, give me twenty minutes to get ready. -Bella

I put it down and the phone rang. I looked at caller I.D. and saw Edward's name pop up. I smiled and answered it.

"Hey." I said. 

"Hey Bella." Edward said. 

"How's visiting your dad?" I asked. 

"Boring. I miss you!" he replied. 

"I miss you too. You always get me out of shopping with Alice." I said.

"She's making you go shopping?" he asked. 

"Yea. And proms two weeks away... Shit! Maybe that's why she wants me going shopping today." I replied. 

"Probably. Hey, I'll talk to you later. Love you." he said. 

"Love you too." I said.

He hung up and I went to get ready. Alice then called me. I didn't answer it. About twenty minutes later, there were three new text messages from Alice. I read all of them.

Answer my calls! -Alice 

I'll call Rose! -Alice 

Sorry! Didn't know you were getting ready. See you soon. -Alice

I sighed. Only Alice would think of something like this. After I finished getting ready, Alice got here and we went shopping.


Prom Night

As I finished the last bit of my make-up, I took one last look at my hair and dress. Alice had curled it along with Rosalie, my dress was a baby pink color and it was a ballgown type dress. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs. Edward was talking to Charlie and Renée. He looked at me and gasped. I smiled at him as my parents turned to look at me. My mom smiled and I did too.

"Bella. You look beautiful." Renée said. 

"Thanks mom." I said. 

"If only your mother were alive Edward. She'd be so proud of you." Renée said. 

"Well, I did find the girl of my dreams." Edward said.

I smiled as he held my hand. My parents took our photos and we walked to Edward's Volvo. He held open my door for me and we drove to Prom. Once at the school, we got our tickets. Alice was in her silver dress and Rosalie was in her blue dress. They gasped when they saw how I looked. I smiled at them and held Edward's hand tighter. They ran up to us and hugged me.

"Bella! You look so beautiful in that dress!" Alice and Rosalie said. 

"Thanks guys." I told them.

I smiled at Edward as he took me to the dance floor and we started ssloe dancing. I was never really a good dancer, so he had me stand on his toes. He had super strength or something. I'm surprised I didn't bruise his toes by the end of the night. We won Prom king and queen, then we danced some more and went back to my house. We changed into other clothes and went to the After-Prom. We got back to my house and went back to sleep.


I will update soon. I hope you liked this chapter guys. And this story kinds skips month's at a time. This part of the story is in April.

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