Chapter 6

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"Edward!" I screamed. 

"What Belly Bean?" he asked. 

"That's a stupid nickname Eddie." I replied. 

"Hey! Don't call me Eddie!" he said.

I giggled and ran towards my mom. She picked me up and Elizabeth picked Edward up. Our mothers laughed. Rosalie came running up also.

"Emmett and I could hear you two from the swings." Rosalie complained. 

"They like each other Renée." Elizabeth said. 

"I see a wedding in the future." my mom said.

Esme Cullen and Lilly Hale walked over to us. I k.ow that we're six, but our parents were arranging these things called weddings already. My mom put me down and Elizabeth put Edward down. I loved Edward Masen, but no one would know. Who knows, maybe the future has something in store for us. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I jolted up out of bed and fell on the floor. I groaned and rubbed my head. Ouch! That really hurt. I looked to see Edward still sleeping. I can't believe I still remember that day in the park. Lilly died a few months after the park trip and we lost touch with Jasper then. Alice was upset about that. Edward and I still talked, but then 8th grade sucked. Then in high school, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I still liked the high school days.

*Flashback-Sophomore Year*

As I walked into school, I saw Edward smiling at me. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. He hugged me and I felt like I was home. Edward kissed my hair and then kissed my cheek.

"I missed you." he whispered. 

"I missed you too." I whispered. 

"Shouldn't boyfriend and girlfriend's be saying this to each other?" I asked. 

"Technically, we're in an arranged marriage, so, we miss each other all the time." he replied. 

"The wedding isn't until the end of senior year Edward. We have another two years left." I said. 

"Hopefully, we'll be dating by then." he said.

*End of Flashback*

Why didn't I see the signs of our relationship back then? Then there was this year. Next year, after high school, we would be getting married. Married at 18. That would be very weird. But, each of our family members were in arranged marriages and half of them got divorces. Edward and I wouldn't be like that though. We would love each other every day of every year. Then, we would have kids and start a family.

"Bella? Why are you on the floor?" Edward asked. 

"I fell off the bed." I replied.

He helped me get back on the bed and held me close. He gave me a good morning kiss and I blushed. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I love that blush. You look so beautiful with and without it." he said. 

"Thanks." I told him. 

"I love you Isabella Marie Swan. Forever and Always." he said. 

"I love you Edward Anthony Masen. Forever and Always." I said. 

"You kinda stole my line." he told me. 

"Yea. I kinda did." I giggled.

He chuckled and kissed me again. I heard gagging noises coming from my door. We looked to see Emmett and Jasper in the doorway. Edward grabbed a pillow and threw it at them. I giggled and soon Rosalie and Alice pulled them into rooms. Finally, we can get some peace and quiet. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


As we walked into school, people stared. Ummm, they need to get a life or take a picture. I felt Edward pull me close to his side and we walked to his locker, which happened to be by mine.

"People do know by now, that we are dating." Edward said. 

"Its kinda like we're famous, but only in a school." I told him.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We head the bell ring and we groaned. First period was always a pain:Gym. Why did it have to be so bad? I mean, I am accident prone and a klutz. As I changed and went to the gym, there was a Vollyeball net. It was Volleyball day. I hated this day always. I would always fall on my ass or my face. I saw Edward and he smiled at me. I ran over to him and Mr. Wells blew his whistle. Whatever side of the net we were on, we were a part of that team.

"Don't get hurt." Edward whispered. 

"Catch me if I fall." I whispered. 

"Will do." he promised.

I tripped right after we scored a point, and Edward catched me like he promised. Soon, the game was over and we won. We then left and went in and changed. I sighed. Alice saw the necklace that Edward got me and the matching ring.

"You two engaged now?" Alice asked. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Well, you do have an engagement ring on Bells." Rosalie replied. 

"No. Edward gave it to me for Christmas." I said. 

"Emmett gave me a ring too." Rosalie told me. 

"I got one from Jasper." Alice said. 

"Face it Bella. We all got engagement rings for Christmas." Rosalie said.

I gasped and ran out after changing. Edward was waiting, I greeted him with a kiss and he smiled back.

"Is this an engagement ring?" I asked. 

"No. Its a promise ring." Edward replied.

I smiled and kissed him again. We then went to our other classes, and soon, the school day was over and we went home. 


I'll update soon.

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