Chapter Eleven

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Ian slowly woke up and turned his head to his side, seeing Anthony laying down next to him. He jumped out of bed as he looked down at his body. He was shirtless but he was still wearing his pants.

Did Anthony and I...

Anthony moved slightly but he was still asleep. Ian's mind was empty. He didn't know what happened last night. He didn't even know whether he wanted to find out or not. He ended up sitting on the floor, still looking at Anthony.

What the hell happened?

Anthony then yawned and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. He could barely open his eyes but he saw Ian sitting on the floor.

"Don't worry, we didn't do anything." Anthony said over his yawn.

"But, why are you in my bed?" Ian asked.

Anthony chuckled and tried opening his eyes wider, just so he could see clearly.

"You fainted when I got in your room. I didn't know what was wrong with you, so I laid you on your bed and took off your shirt; was afraid it was too hot for you. I planned on waiting until you wake up but you never did last night. I must've fallen asleep when I was sitting next to you on your bed."

Ian nodded his head, "Thanks."

Anthony got out of the room and took a shower. Ian went to the living room and sat on the couch. He felt light-headed and he could barely move his arms or legs. He sighed and threw his head back, closing his eyes.

His phone suddenly rang and Charlie's name was on the screen. He didn't know what to do. He was panicking and,

"Aren't you gonna answer that?"

Anthony came from behind. A towel was wrapped around his waist and he was drying his hair with another towel. Ian had accidentally dropped his phone on the floor and his phone was no longer ringing. He picked it up and quickly hid the screen from Anthony. If Anthony knew Ian didn't answer a call from Charlie, he was going to know that something was going on between the two of them.

"It wasn't important," Ian said slowly.

Anthony shrugged and walked to his room. Ian decided to text Charlie instead.

'Really busy.'

He pressed the 'Send' button and put his phone aside. Anthony came from the behind again and startled Ian when he spoke up.

"Let's go have lunch."


  Anthony heard Ian talking to someone on the phone. Ian wasn't screaming or shouting, but by the tone of his voice, Anthony could tell that Ian was arguing with the person on the other end. Anthony then heard Ian's footsteps and he quickly ran and sat on the couch. He wanted to act like he didn't hear anything, but he couldn't help it.

"Are you okay?" He asked Ian.

"Huh? Oh. It was my sister. She got mad at me because I didn't go to her party the other day."

Ian lied. It was Charlie. He was livid because Ian wasn't home and no one was doing the chores at home and he couldn't boss anyone around. Charlie ordered Ian to come home that day, but Ian had told him that he was very busy with filming videos.

Ian slowly put his phone back in his pocket and walked out of the house. He sat in front of the garage and looked at people driving and walking by. He still remembered who those people were. He'd greet them and smile at them.

Anthony was rather confused. He sat on the couch, feeling like he had been lied to by Ian. He got off the couch and walked through the front door. He looked for Ian and saw the little man sitting in front of the garage. Anthony slowly walked up towards Ian and sat down next to him.

"I know you lied. It wasn't your sister, was it?" Anthony looked to his left.

Ian was looking down on the ground. It took him a while to answer Anthony's question.

"Why does it matter?" Ian sighed.

Ian hugged his knees to his chest while Anthony tried to find words to answer his friend's question. Anthony didn't know why, but it did matter to him. Ian used to be such a happy person and he was very talkative. Anthony loved that Ian. He loved that Ian because that Ian could make him smile and laugh. The quiet Ian bothered Anthony. He was barely even smiling being around the quiet Ian.

"Because it just does." Anthony said.

He was thinking about Ian himself that he didn't realize what just came out of his mouth. Ian looked at Anthony and bit his lip. He appreciated that Anthony cared so much about him. He didn't get that when they were together. He was a little happy that he got to feel that someone actually cared about him; let alone from the person who he really loved with all his heart.

Anthony turned his head to look at Ian and before he could look Ian in the eyes, Ian had turned his to look forward.

"I'm sorry."

Ian scrunched his eyebrows, but he forced himself not to look at Anthony. Although, he was confused why Anthony was apologizing.

"Why are you suddenly sorry?" Ian asked softly.

He was still looking at the road, waiting for Anthony to say something.

"I'm sorry I was a dick to you before we broke up. I wish I didn't act like that. I wish I was always there for you even though I knew that I wanted to stop our relationship."

Ian already had tears coming out of his eyes. He couldn't hold it in because Anthony had brought back the memories of him crying to himself because he thought Anthony didn't love him.

"What I want you to know, Ian, is that," Anthony took a deep breath, "I always did love you. I never stopped. Even if I acted like that, I loved you so much."

Anthony was crying, too. He was spilling the things that he had been wanting to tell Ian. He was finally doing it.

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