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There are no lights where I am and no air ducts for escape. I can't see anything except the silence and it's deathly quiet here. And when voices did sound, they were diabolical and made threats to me or told me things that couldn't be true--they just couldn't be. All of my fears are coming true. I've been abandoned, taken, and tortured to the point where I'm wondering why I'm still alive and not dead yet. And now I'm here. Black empty space engulfing me like a silent hell driving me into a more hopeless state by the minute. 

Hands restrained behind my back, lying on cold hard floor, and waiting for a sign. Any sign at all to let me know that I'm still living--that I'm still significant to someone or something. Hair all over the place and freezing, but not to death, as I just wait for that sign, that indication. A kind sounding voice, the opening of a door, or even light. That's all I want.

I don't know what day it is, hour, month, or year anymore. I don't care what time it is or what date today is. I'm just praying to myself that my fears are lies because nothing hurts me more than knowing that the crew and I are simply separated. I don't know what's become of them and they don't know what I've become.

But right now, I can't find a reason for trying; or thinking of a way to get out; or breathing. I'm just done with this. Everything I've heard, it's all becoming too real. Everyone's out of reach, dying, or dead. It pains me to believe that, but I don't see any other logical explanation for their lack of help. They would've come by now, but they haven't and I'm just lying here all vulnerable and helpless--the worst kind of agony.

But they're gone now, so I have nothing left to lose but myself and just wait for it to come and take me away. However, I know full well that I'm never going to join them. Not in a million light years. Over my dead body...


Something happened. My orientation has changed and I'm not where I used to be. I could feel metal pressing against me and laying me out for someone to look at. But it's still dark and deathly silent. They've done something.

I can't help but panic. That's all I can think of, just terrible, negative thoughts cloying my mind making my thoughts more disheveled than usual. And restraints cover me and I can't move. My brain and heart all moving and sending out signals of distress. Frantically, I'm processing and synthesizing all of these heartless thoughts and waiting for something. My arms and legs thrash against the metal chains wrapped around me and they alert everything and everyone around me of my anxiety and suffering. Please let this be a nightmare! Please!

"You're awake...," a wicked voice pounds against my ears.

A bright light is abruptly cast onto my face, blinding me. White circles cloud my vision as I fail to identify the enemy circling around me like debris around a planet. But one thing I can always safely assume is that the person; the creature; the enemy is an imperial devil.

"Welcome to your new home," she crows, "more specifically, the T-0D Droid!"

Suddenly, the metal bed, I'm on begins to slowly and gradually fall backward where a large jet black object appears. It has tools dangling over my head and the hood of the machine blocks the light. With the light now stymied, my vision focuses and I see the droid in all of its glory--its beautiful weapons ready to plunge into my skin and open me up as it wants me to open up my secrets to them--but I won't.

"Now you better be a good boy," she teases me and sweeps a stray hair away from my face, "or I'll have this droid feast on you the clones killing each and every last Jedi."

I see her now--the Seventh Sister--and put on my brave face. I am very surprised to know that I still had this much bravery and courage in me as a needle suspends over my neck.

"So what do you say?" she asks me in a taunting way. "Spill now and we'll save the suspense for tomorrow."
"I'll never spill!" I shoot back. "Even if I'm the last padawan left in this galaxy, I will never give my mind, my secrets, or myself up to the Empire! And if you think I will because of this droid, you're sadly mistaken, Seventh Sister. I've got the spirit and strength of a Jedi and you nor any other Imperial puppet will ever make me crack or say a single word. You'll have to kill me before you get anything out of me!"
"Brave...but I see through your façade, you little Loth-rat orphan! You say that, but let's see if you can live up to what you say!"

She taps a button on a gadget on her wrist and I see red lights as eyes appear from the droid. It sets up by turning on all of its devices: flowing some electricity to its tasers, sharpening its knives, flashing on and off its laser, and pressing ever so slightly on the syringe that only a single minuscule drop of force inhibiting serum falls out to test the intensifying needle. Of course, this is all quite intimidating to me, but I'm not afraid. I'll never be afraid of them and what they have to offer.

"Have fun," the Seventh Sister says and then walks away, out of the cell. "I'll be back to extract what you know soon..."

My muscles tense up as the droid begins to make its first move. The needle moves toward my neck. The little parts of the force I was just able to sense would now all disappear within moments because of this. If I had carried on a conversation with the Seventh Sister, I would've been able to send Kanan a sign through the force.

But now it was too late...

The robot stares down at me with harsh looks. It scowls down at me as my eyes redden from the serum and tears fill them up. Its mechanical voice begins to sound.

"I have just scanned you," its discomforting monotonous voice sounds. "You have a significant weakness of separation, electrocution, and knives. Luckily, I am prepared particularly for you...prepare for hell."

And hell it was.

A Different Path [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now