A Dark Possession

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"We're in!" Kanan silently exclaimed over his comm. then turned to Ezra. "I'm going to see if the coast is clear. Stay here until I come back. I won't be gone long."

Ezra nodded as he watched his master swiftly and silently run around the corner of the dim imperial building. He gripped his lightsaber and waited in the dark. He stood in a dark underground building made of cement. The noise of Kanan's footsteps echoed off the walls of the vacant area. After a while, the last of Kanan's presence dissipated in the silence. Ezra waited patiently for his master to return. Suddenly, a loud commotion sounded from down the hall Kanan went down. In instinct, Ezra sprinted down the hallway and began to search for Kanan. The thought of the Empire had completely slipped his mind.

"Ezra!" Kanan faintly screamed.

This only made Ezra more anxious. His feet began to take him faster and faster down the hall as he continued to frantically search for his master. Then a disconsolate mechanical sound came from further down the hall. Adrenaline began to control him and he speedily ran down the hall where the sound of fighting grew more intense. The hallway took a turn and Ezra had arrived. He quickly jumped into action and ignited his lightsaber as he targeted the woman. She had Kanan in her grasp. Quickly, she turned and Ezra was now charging at his master. He stopped and the woman turned back to him with a devilish look hidden behind her mask as Ezra returned the stare. She tossed Kanan's limp body onto the ground and began to approach Ezra as his confident appearance vanished in the darkness. Before, he knew it, he was crushed against a concrete wall with a red lightsaber inches away from his neck. The red light reflected onto his face and off of his frightened eyes and onto the woman's black mask. And the woman didn't care.

"You're not worth my time," she said quietly but clearly.

She hit one of his nerves and he went tumbling down. However, Kanan began to stir and saw the dark figure standing over his padawan. She turned toward him and they continued to spar. Long after the fight began, Ezra began to move and he opened his eyes. A pounding headache ambushed his body as his vision struggled to focus. He began to get to his feet but noticed how much pain he was in. However, he was stubborn and forced himself to get up. His arms began to give out and he nearly collapsed again as his master was being driven deeper and deeper into a hopeless peril. The woman began to get an upper hand over Kanan and Ezra began to worry, causing him to push his limits. He climbed to his feet just as Kanan was grazed by the red lightsaber and a stack of metal crates tumbled over him. Suddenly, the dark side began to possess Ezra through his anxiety, fear, and past pains. Everything began to shake and Kanan dizzily emerged from the metal crates holding his head in his hands.

"Ezra! Stop!" he shouted as the red lightsaber was again pointed at him.

Rusty pipes hanging above them suddenly burst emitting an eerie greenish gas and cracks on the cement floor began to show. The crates that had crushed Kanan were brought up into the air and began to spontaneously fly around. It was a scene of witch craft to the eyes of the woman. Then she malevolently turned to Kanan who was just feet away. She unveiled her mask and revealed a pale woman's face with violet lips and fangs for teeth. Kanan wasn't surprised at all, though; it was exactly as he predicted.

"My job here is done," she grimly said in a hellish voice as she enshrouded her face once more.

The metal crates missed her and smashed into pieces against the concrete wall. The ground became stagnant. And just like that, everything turned black.

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