Chapter Seventeen

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I sighed loudly at her question. How has it gone with Luke? How had it gone with Luke? Was Jade in on this too?

Struggling to find the right words, I eventually came out with, "Uhm, not very much."

"You guys were completely wasted." She laughed, "something must have happened." I held onto the sides of the seat as Jade spun round a corner and sped down a street.
"Where are we even going?" I asked her. Her crazy driving was making me nauseous.
"Just to hang out." She placed her hand on the gear stick and shifted it, spinning the wheel we turned another sharp corner and I rattled my head off the car window. I rubbed my head to ease the pain as Jade continued to talk. "You and Luke did end up somewhere, that's why your denying it."

Should I tell her the truth and risk the embarrassment or just deny it all together?
"No we didn't." I lied.

"Hm, okay. I don't believe you. You two where all buddy buddy at the party, drinking shots together and then he walked you home." Jade questioned.

"He was being polite." I replied quickly, fiddling with my hands in my lap.

Jade laughed as she drove along another road, I still had no clue where I was but I didn't care. "I'll ask Michael."

"You do that, but he'll say the exact same thing as me." It suddenly dawned on me that maybe Jade was actually Michael's girlfriend. They were kinda the same with the dyed hair and everything. I didn't really know Michael's personality but Jade was a nice girl and maybe they would be cute together.
Jade pulled up at the end of a street and parked the car next to the kerb.
"We walk from here." She told me as she climbed out the car, grabbing her bag from the back seat. Stepping out the car and shutting the door behind me, I followed her as she walked away from the row of houses and into the opening to the woods.
"Jade please tell me your not a mass murderer planning to butcher me to death and leave my body in the woods." Suddenly nervously, I stopped in my tracks.
Jade burst into laughter. "No dummy, we've got a hang out place near the lake. Follow me." She continued to walk and I quickly scuttled among to catch up with her.
Every single noise in the wood maybe me practically shit myself; it was dark because of the thickness of the trees blocking out the light, so even though it was barely even 4:30 in the afternoon, the only light was the small beams of sunlight shining through the trees.
"We're here." We'd only been walking for five to ten minutes before I found myself at a large clearing with a sparkling lake in the middle and a small hut a few yards away. From where I was standing I could see a few figures sitting on some chairs and I could hear the echo of their laughter. I recognized them as the two guys from the party the other night, Tay and Jace? I couldn't really remember their names. Jade trudged through the thick grass and I quickly followed behind, careful not to slip on the wet ground.
"Hey, it's that chick from the other night!" The blonde one called out as he swigged from a bottle. Thank god it wasn't alcohol, but only a bottle of some energy drink. I did not need more alcohol this weekend. 
"Hey." I replied. Why was I so fucking awkward, damn it Mila. "How are you guys?" How are you guys? What the fuck Mila? You awkward cretin!
"I'm good, just chillin." The curly haired one replied, they hadn't detected my awkwardness. Maybe I hadn't fucked up my shit just yet. "Want a drink?" He asked me, pulling a can of energy drink from a cool box.
"Sure." I replied and reached out to take it. "Thanks." I took a seat on one of the camping chairs next to Jade and popped open the can.
I took a sip and burned my throat but it still tasted good. "This place is so cool. It's like some secret hide out."
Jade coughed before she spoke."We found it like three or four years ago, we hang out here all the time now."
"It's really cool." I replied. They chatted away but I kind of zoned out and just observed all around me. The birds where tweeting, the trees where swaying and the sun was beating down. My skin has become almost immune to burning and so I basked in the glorious sunshine.
"What's up?!" My bliss was interrupted by the deafening sound of a stupid deep voiced holler. I opened my eyes and seen Luke and Michael wander across. I shouldn't be pissed because I knew he'd be here. I guess I almost wanted him to be here, show that I not didn't give a flying fuck what he did. I was still going go hang out.
My accusations turned out to be correct when Michael placed a small kiss on Jade head and I internally awed. Michael was kind of an asshole to me but at least he was nice to someone.
"Go sit next to your lover Lukey Boy." Jade teased as Michael sat on her knee and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Winking at me, she waited on Luke's reply.
"Shut up Jade." He mocked. His tone of voice sounded some what annoyed but I could tell was trying not to bitch at Jade. He probably was wondering if I'd told her or not? Was she winding him up?
He sat down in the grass and cracked open a can open. Leaning back on his elbows he sighed as he looked up at the sky. "Lovely day out."
Michael spluttered. "Lovely day out? Since when did you say shit like that?" We all burst into laughter. Luke pretended to be mildly offended.
"Well it is!" He defended and we all laughed again. They continued to blabber on and laugh at jokes I never really understood and talk about people I didn't know but at least I was actually socializing, even though I still hated Luke and he's the reason I didn't really have any friends in the first place. 
As I place my empty can on a spot in the grass, ready to pick up later, something brushed my hand and I snatched it away. What the hell was that? Ignoring it; I tried to rejoin into the conversation by laughing when they laughed even though I had no idea what the joke was.
Jade was telling a story. "And then she was like-" I screamed in pain as a stabbing pain seared through my ankle and I tumbled from the chair and onto the grass.
"Oh my god!" I cried out. My ankle felt as if someone had stabbed it with ten thousand knives and a throbbing, unbearable pain paralyzed my leg.
"It's a snake! It's a snake!" I heard someone shout but I couldn't make out who. "Jump on it!" A loud thud came down on the ground but my eyes had went blurry and I fell onto my side; my body paralyzing and my speech slurred.

All I could hear was the faint echoes of screams and loud noises. Someone picked me up into their arms and I could feel them run with my through the woods, the faint colors of green trees mixing with the blue sky. I was pushed into the back of a car and my head lay on top of someone's lap. I could vaguely make out a blue blur and someone's soft hand stroked my cheek.
My ankle still pulsed in pain but someone was holding something to it, a cloth perhaps; I don't know?
I could make out the words the were being spoken.

"Just drive you idiot!"
"Go through the red lights!"
"She's been bit by a snake, who cares if you get a ticket!"

The car pulled to a dramatic halt and I fell forwards but was caught quickly and pulled back. My body was beginning to go into shock and every bone in my body felt as if it where turning to mush. The doors of the car slammed shut and I was lifted out of the car again. They ran with me into a building and after that nothing was clear. A load of shouting, a lot of beeping and then I was lying down; something covering my mouth. An oxygen mask?
"Right sweetheart, we're going to give you some anesthetic now." A female voice told me. I thought I would feel something, a prick or a jab, but the only thing that I felt was drowsiness come over me before my eyes started to close.


Hi guys

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm already working on the next part!

What do you guys think will happen next?
Leave some comments and thank you all for reading!


The Summer I Got Hot {L.H} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now