Chapter Seven

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"Okay, let's get started?" The doctor said as she looked down at a clipboard. Luke and I sprung apart awkwardly, hoping she never noticed. Luke's mother was still on the phone to mine. "Okay honey, so we're just going to put a few stitches in; nothing major. And then you can go home." Behind her, a nurse pushed a wobbly metal tray with the tools she was about to use on my face. "If you could sit still for the duration of putting the stitches in that would be great." Placing the clipboard down, she picked up and starting fiddling about with some tools. I glanced at Luke but he was busy biting his nails and watching what the doctor was doing. "This shouldn't hurt too much." Holding my face still in her hands, she jabbed the stitches through my skin and I winced. It didn't really hurt too much except the little dying that came with the needle sewing into my skin but I'd never had any sort of A&E situating except when from when I broke my wrist falling off a trampoline when I was eight.
Each stitch nipped like a little wasps sting but I did not to cry. That was the last thing I needed to do. Bringing up scissors to my face, she cut the thread short and placed a bandaid on my face until the cut began to heal.
Luke's mother had came back by this point and explained to me what my mother had all said. It was safe to say Mariana was furious. But also relived that we were okay and thankful Luke had been sensible and caring enough not to let me drink and drive.
I was given a few forms to fill out again and told to come back for an appointment in five days to get the stitches removed.
I was thankful that Luke picked up still snoring Matías because I had no energy to carry him. Luke's mother, Liz her name is, bought us chocolate bars from the vending machine but it really didn't give me enough energy to even walk fast enough to keep up with them. Reaching the car, Liz explained that she would drop my brother and I back off to our house as instructed by my mother but she would come check on us tomorrow until my parents managed to get home late tomorrow night.
I had no idea what was happening with my car other than it had be towed away but I hoped the insurance would cover it.
Liz pulled up at my house and parked the car next to my doorstep.
"Luke help Mila get inside, I'm going to phone her parents and give them an update." We climbed out the car and Luke picked up Matías again.
"Liz thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means you've done all this. I have no clue what I would've done." I thanked her.
"Oh be quiet. Anything to help out a friend of Luke's." She replied smiling, "now go on inside, get to your beds. It's three AM for god sakes." I smiled and headed for my house, Luke following close behind. I unlocked the door and let us inside. It was eerily silent until I turned on the lights and the house began to move again.
"Want me to put Matías in his room?" Luke asked.
"That would be great. Follow me." I trailed up the stairs and across the landing into Matías' bedroom. His room was some football team theme with a single bed, some built in wardrobes and a chest of drawers with a TV on it. The good thing about this four bedroom house is that they all had en-suites.
Luke lay my brother down gently on his bed and pulled off his little converse. I tucked Matías into his sheets and we crept out the room; turning out the light as we left.
Luke followed me back down the stairs and we hovered in the hallway before the front door.
I suppose my house was rather large. With a porch, two living rooms and four bedrooms. My room and a guest room was downstairs, whilst the other two where upstairs, and my father often worked from home in a little self-made office. It was a cosy home with a perfect location.
"About what you asked me in the hospital..." Luke started nervously.
"It's fine. You don't need to answer."
"No I do. I? I don't know? I don't really want anything to happen to you." He told me. I'd never seen him this nervous or vulnerable. And I had seen him cry. "I don't dislike you Mila."
"I'm confused then?"
"I know I'm mean to you a lot. And everything you said in the car was true." Luke stumbled over his words. "I'm trying to say sorry Mila. Sorry for everything."
"Is this because I've changed?"
"Well I can see how beautiful you really are now, can't I?"
"Your so full of shit." Suddenly my tone changed to a very harsh one. "Was I ugly before?"
"No, but now your just amazing." Luke replied. He wasn't sure whether to get angry or stay calm and it showed in his face. His blue eyes where turning darker but the rest of his face was still very straight and peaceful.
"Well I'm sorry you couldn't see through past my ugliness Luke. But if you couldn't take me before, you can't take me now."
"No! Mila? That's not what I meant!" He exclaimed.
"I didn't do any of this for you Luke. I done it for me. So if you'd be so kind, please get out of my house." I stretched out and opened the front door. Luke stared at me, almost gobsmacked. Biting his lip and licking the metal piercing, he looked me up and down
" 'Till next time fat ass." He sneered before walking out my front door.


I'm sorry this is so short guys but thank you so much for the read ilysm!

Hahahah Luke is such a little jackass! Anyway what do u guys think will happen next?

Comment ur thoughts!


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