Chapter Thirteen

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Slowly opening my eyes, I stared up at the ceiling and yawned. Lying next to me was Luke snoring lightly, one arm around my back and one arm tucked behind my head. He looked so peaceful whilst he was sleeping. Eyes closed and mouth slightly pouted as he slept away dreams I would never know. His chest rose up and down slowly and every now and then he would shuffle his hand or move his head to the side.
Careful not to wake him, I slid myself out my bed and into the bathroom. Taking a look in the mirror, I actually didn't look to bad considering my state last night. My hair was slightly knotted and mascara was smudged under my eyes but my cheeks were rosy and I hadn't had a major overnight break out. I quickly washed my face again and gave my teeth a good scrub before leaving the bathroom. I found Luke to be awake when I came out the bathroom, leaning on his elbows and running his hands through his ruffled blonde hair looking slightly disheveled.
"Morning." He mumbled. His voice was croaky in that kind of scruffy tone that was actually kind of hot.
"Morning." I replied quietly, still aware that my family was in the house. I climbed back into bed and looked at my phone. Sitting against the head board, I scrolled through social media; looking at everyone's wild Saturday night antics. Leaning over, Luke rested his head on my shoulder and looked at my phone as I nosed into other people's business.
"Wait, who's that?" He asked, stopping me from scrolling through pictures by tapping his finger on the screen. He'd stopped on a picture of a guy.
"Jamie Hamilton." I replied.
"How'd you know him?"
"His mother works with my mother. We met at one of those bring your kids to work days. Why do you ask?"
"Just interested." He took his finger off the screen and I carried on nosing. A few moments later he let out a sigh. "I'm bored of this now." Taking my phone, he pressed the lock button and pushed it onto the bedside table. "Let's do something else." I watched him as he got up from the bed and wandered into my bathroom and closed the door.
What was he doing?

No more than two minutes later he emerged from the bathroom again with his boxers on and his muscles showing. "Needed to freshen up a bit."
"Freshen up for what?" I asked, still sitting in the same position. Walking over to me, Luke sat down opposite me and placed his hand on my leg.
"I kissed you last night." He said. I looked at him. "And I liked it. A lot." I remained silent. "And I want to kiss you again." Leaning into me, he pushed himself onto my lips and I found myself kissing him back until his hands where holding my head to bring me closer to him and my stomach was fluttering with butterflies.
He found my legs and pushed them so they un-tucked and lay straight, urging me to lie down into the bed so he was able to climb on top of me and take control over the situation. Kissing me harder and harder, he made me go weak in the knees so to speak. I'd never been kissed like this before and I didn't want it to end, no matter how much I hated him.
A loud creak came from upstairs, indicating my family where up and about. We both stopped and looked up.

"Luke, you need to go." I told him softly. He smiled and placed a kiss on my head before climbing off me. "Thanks for letting me tag along last night. I actually had a good time." I told him as he pulled on his jeans.
"Not a problem babe." He grinned cheekily as he yanked his shirt over his head and down over his stomach. "I think Jade likes you, expect some sort of mystery phone call soon." He laughed and started to put his shoes on.
"She seems like a nice girl. I'm grounded though, last night was more a one off and if my parents find out, I'm done for."
"They won't find out." Luke reassured me, leaning over and giving me another kiss on the lips. I followed him over the doors and he unlocked them. It was still only about 9am but the sun was already beating down and the beach was starting to get busy in the distance with dog walkers and runners.
Climbing over the railing, Luke landed softly on the sand and turned to face me.
"Maybe we can do this again sweet cheeks." He grinned, licking his lips and raising his eyebrows in a cockily. I scoffed in a joking manner and looked away. Grabbing my jaw with his hand, he turned it round to face him; giving me another solid yet gentle kiss on the lips before pulling away again. "See ya' babe." He let go of me and walked away from my room. I watched him as he wandered off along the beach, only turning once to give me a smirk and a wave.
Once he was out of sight I walked back into my room and locked the doors. I also unlocked my bedroom door and tidied up my room a little.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?


Hey guys !!!
Hope you enjoyed this update and I'm sorry it's super short but I felt like just leaving it as a short one this time!!

Thank you for all the votes, comments and reads it means so much so thank you again and again and again!!


The Summer I Got Hot {L.H} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now