Chapter 9: You Cannot Understand

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Frank's POV


I watched Fallyn as she dropped her head back on the seat, only now had she stopped panicking about the large amount of people.

I have to admit that there's really is a large amount around here today, I have a different reaction when it comes to a crowds though.
The dumbass part of my brain takes over and tells me that I have to show off to get the attention of people that I'll never see again.

Now my stomach was growling, fortunately not loud enough for her to hear and notice.
Which was good because it would be fairly hard to explain that I have a rare condition that makes me hungry whenever I think of people's blood, especially hers.

With a sigh I rubbed my eyes and allowed my head to drop back on the seat like she'd already done.

I'm not tired, just frustrated with myself and everything else that's going on in my head. Only one day and this girl is making me act like an idiot, and that's saying something considering that we are talking about me.

"What's the matter Frank?" She asked looking at me with a concerned frown on her pale face.

"Nothing, I'm a little tired but that's it." The lie slipped easily out of my mouth. I mean, why not lie to another person because I've been lying to everyone by making them think I was human for the past year.

"You're not tired from carrying all those bags are you? If that's it I can carry a couple more." She was too sweet sometimes and that was going to get her in a dangerous place one day, I could only hope that I'd be around when that happens.

"No the bags aren't heavy. I think that I might have slept on an angle last night. Come on, we have to get you a mobile before the guys finish shopping. Did you know that Mikey hates having to go shopping?"

I took her hand and gathered the bags up in the other, the talking was hopefully distracting her from all the people.

"Really?" Why would he hate it?" I spotted a technology store on the floor below us and started walking towards the escalator.

"Before he joined the band he worked as a checkout boy."

"A checkout boy? Seriously? I can't imagine Mikey doing that."

"Well he did, Gee used to work in a comic book store, he got paid in comics." We'd made it to the escalator and I don't even think that she'd noticed, it maybe she had and was just hiding it.

"I could imagine Gerard doing that, what about everyone else?"

"Bob and Ray used to work as male strippers." I said jokingly.

"Were they practicing your bathroom act?" She laughed as I pulled her off the escalator and towards the tech store.

"What about you?" I guess that telling her I used to be a full time stoner was out of the question.

"I worked in a dog shelter for a while, it was more volunteer work but the dogs were so cute." So cute that Gee had to stop me from practically adopting the whole shelter when he met me and I joined My Chem.

Apparently we couldn't have twenty dogs on the bus and keeping them at home would be mean.

"I like dogs too, but I prefer the big ones. It's not that I don't like little dogs, they're just so yappy. Katelyn used to have this big dog called Pyro, I think he was a giant breed or something like that."

"Was it a Great Dane?" She shook her head and her some of her blonde hair fell in her face.

"No, it was similar though, I think he was a St. Bernard cross. Yeah, that's was it."
My talking had managed to keep her distracted while we walked over to the tech store.

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