Chapter two

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*1 month later*

Mya's P.o.v

I was getting ready for basketball pratice when out of no where my stomach had a slight pain and I had a really bad headache . But i ingnored it and kept going , when I got there my coach told us to run laps when I started running I felt that stmoach pain again and then I fell to the ground and everything went blank.

When I woke up I noticed I was at the hostpial , and a girl with blonde hair walked in I assumed she was a nurse.

"Oh great your awake how you feeling honey?"

I didnt answer I didnt fell like talking i just wanna know why Im here . Ugh there goes that headache again.

"Well Mya are sexually active?" She asked

sexually active? I had sex once with JUSTIN BIEBER I know I know it sounds to good to be true well thats why i never told anyone because i know that no one will believe me.

"Y-yeaa but it was only one time...why?" I asked confused

"Did you use protection?" She asked

I just noticed that me and Justin didnt use protection..


"Well your pregnant Mya"

PREGNANT? Oh my god the only person I had sex with was with Justin so that means.... oh my god im having Justin Bieber's baby . I dont even know how Im gonna get in contact with him to tell him,, How am I gonna tell my mom Oh my god she's gonna hate me she's a single mom she barely could afford me , I doont know what to do.... Will she even believe that i had sex with Justin .. I just burst out in tears Ive never been so scared in my life,

"We called your mom at work and she's on her way" The blonde nurse said

"Did you tell her?" I asked

"Yes honey im sorry but I had too but I have to get going now" She said a s she left

10 Mintutes later my mom walked in. She looked so mad

"Mya Marie Collins....Pregnant?" She said

I didnt know what to say


"Mom Im so sorry" I said as i cried

"Who's the father?" She asked looking straight at me

Oh god I dont know what to say i know she's not gonna believe me if i say Justin

" wont believe me if I tell you" I said

"Tell me now and dont you dare lie to me" She said

"Justin Bieber"


Justin 's P.o.v

I was in the studio working on a new song. But for some reason I cant get that girl out of my mind ...Mia was it? I dont know I dont remember . I know it was wrong to have sex with her then just leave like that but I had too. But I got to stop thinking about her she's just a fan nothing else. And plus I already have a girlfriend Selena Gomez . I know it was wrong to cheat on her but it felt so right.

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