Mystery Girl - Chapter Fifteen

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A/N - It's the final chapter of Mystery Girl. Also I am sorry it's a short chapter but I just had to get this uploaded for you guys and to work on more of my stories.

My birthday was awesome yesterday, had an awesome cake (Jaffa Cake) :P

I have officially finished college and enrolled for next year! Whoop! Whoop! ;)

I will have the epilogue uploaded on 23rd June.. :D

5YL&MMIB! will be uploaded this friday evening-night/saturday early morning (:

Little warning or whatever.., I will be going through this tomorrow!


..Enjoy! x


Mystery Girl

Chapter Fifteen - My Girlfriend's Pregnant!

Cameron's POV.

Bailey hasn't talked to me for a while, well over three days and I am starting to worry some might say I am obsessed but you worry about the people you love, yeah I admit the player has feelings and is in love with Bailey Porter who is and was a nerd but I love her with all my heart.

"I-I just think I've done something wrong and I don't know what" I sigh looking up at my little sister out of all the people I had to let everything out to it had to be my little sister, not even Brayden or even my girlfriend my own sister who is over a decade older than me.

"I don't know" Allison giggles making me smile at my little sister, she was cute and best friends with Libby Brayden and Bailey's little sister, which is also still weird to think that he is her brother.

"I should call Brayden up huh?.. or maybe Melanie there best friends and she would probably know what is wrong with my bailey, oh that sounds so mushy.

I just had to know what was wrong or if I done something wrong I love this girl and I could imagine having a future with her for the rest of my life, marry her and have my own family with her, sounds cheesy but I am completely telling the truth especially when it comes to Bailey she is my life and I am glad she was my mystery girl, she's my girl.

My girl.

My girl.

My girl.

I couldn't stop the smile that was on my face when I thought Bailey was mine.

One day I would make her my wife.

One day I would start a family with her.

But for now ... I just had to see her!

I looked for Melanie's number in my phone ringing her she answered on the third ring only it wasn't her voice or Brayden's it was..


I gulp stuttering "Bailey?" I sound so pathetic.

"Cameron.. why are you ringing Mel?" she questions.

Chuckling nervously I finally answer her "I actually wanted to talk to you but you've been ignoring me and I wanted to, I was going to ask her what I did wrong or where you were.." I trail off.

"I'm sorry" she barely whispers as it was too hard to hear "I have been ignoring you and I'm sorry" she says louder

The only thing I could ask "Why?"

"I.. we have to talk"

"Your not breaking up with me are you?" Oh god if she was..

"No" she answers quickly "I love you it's just something that will change our lives pick me up in ten" and she hangs up, what on earth could change our lives?

I made it to Bailey's in ten minutes but I couldn't leave Allison so I had no choice but to bring her with me and made my way to the door where it was already open when Melanie walked out "Don't screw this up" she mutters before walking off. What?

"Hey" I smile at Bailey.

"Hi, Libbys in the living room if you want us we'll be in my room" she smiles at my sister.

"Are you sure this isn't a break up?" I ask her once were in her room.

"No" she shakes her head smiling "I need to tell you this and if you don't want to be there for me then I wont hold it against you"

"Please just tell me what is it, is it something I've done?"

"I'm pregnant"

I stood there shocked, then a smile appears on my face.

"I'm going to be a daddy"

"Yeah I mean if you want to be, I found out about four days ago but I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't think you would want the baby or even me after I told you I was scared" she rushed out and I kissed her to make a stop the the madness.

Of course I still want her.

Of course I want the baby.

"Did you really think I wouldn't be there for you and our child" I ask her kissing her slightly on the lips, she is pregnant with our child.

"I love you and the baby and I will be there through every step of the way"

"I just don't want you to feel trapped" she whispered.

I shake my head kissing her again "Don't think like that, I love you, I love the baby and I'm going to be there through it all his my child too"

"He? It could be a girl" she giggles.

"Whether the baby is a girl or a boy I will love it and you forever I was actually saving this for after graduation" and I done something I was waiting to do next month, I kneeled down on one knee and got the ring out I have been carrying for a while, which was my grandmothers.


"Bailey Porter I'm in love with you, you were and still are my mystery girl in some ways because you surprise me everyday and it's not an engagement ring it's a promise ring, that some day I will make you my wife and I was going to say have a big family but were already in progress" I wink at her making her blush"Will you accept?"

It was silent for a few sounds before she nodded her head yes which only made me smile, I saw the tears in her eyes and wiped them away "I think it's time to tell the parents" I smirk.

Whatever happens I will be there for her and the baby and start our life together.


A/N - As I have said before I am sorry it's not a long chapter I tried to make it as long as possible for what I had planned but now it's time to write the epilogue!! :D

I know most of my stories are short but I am working to stop that so you guys have more to read but for now bare with me as I am working on more stories (some not even uploaded yet)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and will be uploading the epilogue 23rd June! :D

Time to watch a film.. but first I have to choose one!!!

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