Mystery Girl - Chapter Five

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A/N - Already on Chapter 5, wow lol it seems like last week I started writing it which I was.. enjoy! Uploading TONS Chapter 4 later today also by next month I will be uploading my new story falling for the player once His Servant! & The One Night Stand are finished so I can focus on this story and falling for the player until there both completely finished.



Mystery Girl - Caught with another girl!



Bailey's POV.


I thought about telling him ever since that day which was just over a week ago, I never believed in love after my parents divorce, how could I, he cheated on my mum more than once, not with the same woman but with plenty others for 3 years straight and it broke my mums heart she was in love with him, still is she hasn't had a boyfriend since then, I would love for mum to meet someone special and marry again shes beautiful and don't understand why she didn't go on a date with the many guys that wanted her. Ew, talking about my mum and other men or you know animals, pigs.. whores.

I was spending the day with Mel just us two, no Cameron and no Brayden just us too, Mel actually did start eating properly instead of the meals she considered food which was just so not true. We ran alot, I run more than her, I swim also and like to play basketball now and then with my little sister but Mel does nothing but run but at least shes eating properly.

My phone suddenly rings, looking at the screen it reads Cameron. Why is he calling? I mean I know were friends sort of but why? Oh did I forget to mention we both have each others numbers, he thought it was weird that we were friends but didn't have eachothers numbers not that we ever called or texted each others.

Guess there's only one way to find out what he wants. "HeyCam can I help you?" Yes, I call him Cam instead of Cameron I have a nickname for Mel and Bray why not him..

"Hi Bay" I smile as he says that, this is what the crush is doing to me, like seriously!

"What's up?"

"Um, well I was wondering if.." Just saying those kind of words make me think he knows till he continues "You could, well maybe come over for dinner tonight"

"Why?" I ask too quickly, but seriously why would he ask me to dinner, his parents would be there, it would be awkward. "Would Bray and Mel be there?"

"No, my parents want to meet you.. well I kind of told them I had a girlfriends so yeah"

"So you want me to meet them? You could choose any girl in the school and your asking me to be your pretend girlfriend for the night?" I question.

"Well yeah, other girls in our school are whiney, bitchy, annoying and slutty, well there just annoying besides you and Melanie of course, so will you?" he asks kind of hopeful?

I giggle "Yeah I'll be there"

"Thank god!" making me giggle again "I'll pick you up at 6 o'clock, thanks again bye" he says before hanging up.

After putting my phone down I head downstairs to see Libby in the living room with the television and drawing what seemed to be loads of flowers as she cuddles up to the little teddy bear I got her when she was born, I was 15 when dad left and 16 when she was born, shes my princess, I'm her older sister and also like a dad to her.

"Hey princess" Kissing her on the cheek as I lay down beside her "What you watching?"

"Spiderman" she grins a couple baby teeth missing.

"Cool, supermans better!" I wink at my 3 years old sister.

"No Spiderman!"




"BATMAN!" We hear someone shout looking to the entrance of the living room to see Melanie, I chuckle.

"How can she like batman?" Libby whispers to me, making me chuckle.

"Shes too weird" I whisper back, making Libby giggle.

"I am not weird!" Mel huffs. I kiss Libby on the cheek before standing up "Were going for a run, be back in an hour mum is in the kitchen"

"Bye Bailey" kissing me on the cheek before turning her head back to the television.

 We bagan talking as soon as we were out the door. "Cameron invited me to dinner at his house to meet his parents.. I got to pretend to be his girlfriend" I blurt out. Melanie stops walking to throw her head back and laugh once shes over he little laughing fit she stops and carries on jogging again still chuckling before coming serious "How odd is that?" she drawls "You and Cameron pretending to date when, what he doesn't know is that you are the girl his looking for, wow" she chuckles again.

"Whatever, it's not like that anyway" I say quickly.

"What is it like then?"

"He wants me to be his pretend girlfriend because-"

"He likes you"

"No" I snap "Because all the other girls are bitches and annoying who wouldn't want me?" I repsond back smirking. Mel rolls her eyes "Whetever, so your going to dinner, when?"

"Tonight" I wince knowing whats going to happen now.

She squeals "Great! I'll be there to get you ready what time is he picking you up at?"

"6 o'clock" I grumble. We finished our run as we parted our seperate ways before sprinting off home where I darted off to the bathroom as the hot water relaxs my muscles, when I came into my room I see Mel already there looking through my all my clothes.

"You know its only 12, his picking me up at 6" I remind her, this making Mel huff and glaring at me "I know but if we choose everything now we can hang out"

"Cool you do your thing, something to eat?"

"Whatever your having"


Now were looking after Libby before mum gets back from shopping, I told her I was going out with dinner and that I wouldn't be out t0 late, her thinking it was a date, but it wasn't. "Come on let's get you ready"

"Dont make me look like a slut" I plead with Mel, she chuckles shaking her head, why would she laugh at me? "I am not going to make you look like a slut" she promises me "You dont have any clothes revealing enough" she teases, I roll my eyes "Lets get this over and done with" I mutter.

She done my make up, chose my outfit, shoes, she done everything I just packed my little bag which had my phone, door keys, money and a packet of skittles. You can never have too much skittles, I would live off them if I could.

"Your all ready" she winks at me "You look gorgeous, all thanks to me" she smirks.

"Whatever, he will be here any minute" just as I say this the doorbell rings. "Here's here" Mel chirps making me roll my eyes "Yay" I mutter before walking down the stairs and opening the door smiling at Cameron. "Hi" I blush noticing him staring at me, his mouth wide "Cameron?"

"Sorry you look beautiful" he kisses my cheek which takes me by surprise "Thanks" I blush once again, what the hell is he doing to me.

"Come on lets get going my parents are waiting" he smiles.

It didnt take us long to get there, about 15 minutes, silence was good, not awkward comforting but as soon as we got outside the house I was terrified too "I know this is cliche for an actual girlfriend to say but what if they dont like me?" this making him chuckle.

"They love you I promise" I'm not too sure, what if they think I am not right for him sure were actually going out but when or if I tell him about me what would happen? He opens the car door as we head to his house, were soon inside taking my coat off. "Mum and dad are already in the dining room" he smiles at me and taking my hand as we walk there together.

"Mum.. Dad this is Bailey my girlfriend" he announces as soon as we walk into the room with a big huge fake smile.

"Its nice to meet you Mr and Mrs West"

"Please darling call me Jill and this is my husband Mark" she smiles at me, I like her already, wait his parents. "It's lovely to meet you Bailey" he smiles at me.

"Dinner is ready let's eat" his mum says as we all sit down and dig in, talking throughout dinner, I loved it.

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